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For Ukraine to be devising a ‘victory plan’ for the war at this point demonstrates a certain disregard for the reality and a tendence to live in a permanent state of wishful-thinking.

For Ukraine, the only way out of the situation is to drag NATO into this war, and in the middle of the planetary conflagration, to find a way to evade the inescapable defeat.

So Zelensky is lobbying hard for a NATO spot – but he very probably is trying in vain, since there’s a problem with his victory plan – many countries in the military alliance are opposed to their joining.

Politico reported:

“Germany and the U.S. are among the major powers slow-walking Zelensky’s call for an immediate invitation to join NATO, according to four U.S. and NATO officials and diplomats who were granted anonymity to share the latest internal discussions.”

Zelensky’s plan asks for an immediate invitation, but joining the alliance can only be possible after the war with Russia ends.

Key countries in the alliance are worried about being drawn into a war with Russia.

“Outgoing U.S. Ambassador to NATO Julianne Smith underlined the American position. ‘The alliance has not, to date, reached the point where it is prepared to offer membership or an invitation to Ukraine’, she said.”

Zelensky admits that that Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Scholz isn’t backing him on the rapid NATO membership invitation.

“’I have a very good relationship with Scholz. I am grateful that Scholz is helping. Germany is second in terms of support’, Zelensky told reporters earlier this week. ‘But the fact that the German side is skeptical about our joining NATO is a fact … We will all have to work a lot with the German side. But still, the United States will have an influence on it’.”

Germany and the U.S. aren’t the only ones resisting Kiev’s ambitions. Hungary and Slovakia are also opposed.

Hungarian PM Viktor Orbán went as far as blocking EU funds to arm Ukraine. Slovakia’s Robert Fico says that admitting Ukraine into NATO ‘would be a good basis for a third world war’ and vowed that he would ‘never agree’ to that.

Other nations are also opposed to Kiev’s request, but in a subdued way.

“’Countries like Belgium, Slovenia or Spain are hiding behind the U.S. and Germany. They are reluctant’, said one of the NATO officials. A second official said that countries ‘support it in the abstract but once it gets closer to materializing’ they will start to balk at the idea more publicly.”

On the other side of the pendulum are the neighbors – the Baltic Countries and Poland, which are cheering for Ukraine to join.

“Scholz told reporters during U.S. President Joe Biden’s visit to Berlin last week: ‘We are making sure that NATO does not become a party to the war, so that this war does not turn into a much greater catastrophe’.”

Read more:

‘We Are Ready for Negotiations’: Ukrainian Lieutenant Yulia Mykytenko, in London Releasing Her Biography, Shows How Even Kiev’s Fiercest Fighters Have Had Enough of This War

The post Zelensky’s Victory Plan Does Not Fly — As Many as 7 NATO Countries Are Opposed to Ukraine Joining the Military Alliance During the War: REPORT appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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