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Woke Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon suspended a prosecutor from a case for “misgendering” a sexual predator and alleged murderer, according to a report.

James Tubbs made national headlines last year when he was arrested after police said he molested a child at a California Denny’s restaurant years earlier in 2014.

The 26-year-old immediately pleaded guilty to the crime, came out as transgender, and began going by the first name “Hannah.”

Tubbs is also accused of assaulting another child in 2013 in a public library.

Gascon, whose flouting of common decency and law and order is well known, angered advocates for failing to protect children when he allowed Tubbs to serve his sentence in a juvenile facility.

The argument for that insane decision was the fact that the predator was not yet 18 when he shattered a child’s innocence. Tubbs was ordered to spend a mere two years locked up while surrounded by kids.

The kids in the facility were only saved from Tubbs’s presence after he was later accused of a 2019 murder in Kern County, which is located just north of Los Angeles County.

He is being held on a $1 million bond in that case and is out of the facility for juveniles.

Michael Ruiz and Bill Melugin with Fox News reported Friday that Gascon demands so much respect for the child molester’s sudden gender identity change that he has suspended one of his office’s own prosecutors for calling Tubbs a man.

“Shea Sanna, who had been the lead prosecutor for part of the case, is accused of misgendering and ‘deadnaming’ the convicted child molester Hannah Tubbs, who is now accused of beating a man to death in the woods with a rock in Kern County,” the Fox News report stated.

The report added, “Sanna has argued in the past that jailhouse phone calls show Tubbs was attempting to use gender identity to game the justice system – an argument that sources say made others in Gascon’s office uncomfortable and led to the suspension.”

Sanna has not commented on the report but apparently saw Tubbs for the animal he is and was reportedly punished for it.

Fox News obtained jailhouse phone transcripts that showed Tubbs, in fact, came out as “transgender” merely to make his time behind bars easier on him.

In one call, the child molester insulted the victim in the 2014 attack, Fox News reported.

In other calls, Tubbs reportedly implied during conversations with his father that pretending to be a woman would make life easier.

“So now they’re going to put me with other trannies that have seen their cases like mine or with one tranny like me that has a case like mine,” Tubbs reportedly stated. “So when you come to court, make sure you address me as her.”

Presumably, Gascon had access to these transcripts and other evidence of Tubbs’ actual motives.

But he chose to stick the child predator in a facility for juveniles and, according to Fox News, pulled a prosecutor off Tubbs’ case for calling the man what he is.

It would be easy to blame only Gascon for his complete disregard for the safety of the people of Los Angeles County – especially its most vulnerable.

But voters put him into his office and kept him there last year when an effort to recall him failed.

The post Woke DA Comes to the Rescue of Trans Child Molester, Suspends Prosecutor Over His Case for ‘Misgendering’ Him appeared first on The Western Journal.

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