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The office of the secretary of state in Colorado has ‘mistakenly’ sent a postcard to 30,000 illegal immigrants encouraging them to register to vote.

This must have been a completely innocent mistake, right?

Surely, representatives of our own government would never intentionally encourage illegal voting practices that would benefit the Democrat party directly.

The Associated Press reports:

Colorado: 30,000 noncitizens got vote registration mailer

Colorado’s secretary of state office says it mistakenly sent postcards to about 30,000 noncitizens encouraging them to register to vote, blaming the error on a database glitch related to the state’s list of residents with driver’s licenses.

The office of Democratic Secretary of State Jena Griswold insisted none of the noncitizens will be allowed to register to vote if they try.

The news comes at a time of widespread skepticism — often unfounded — of voting integrity following the 2020 presidential election and as Griswold, who has touted her role as a national advocate for secure elections, seeks reelection in the November midterms.

Colorado’s Republican Party chair, Kristi Burton Brown, condemned Griswold for the error, saying in a Monday statement that “Jena Griswold continues to make easily avoidable errors just before ballots go out” by mail on Oct. 17…

Griswold’s office said in a statement that the postcards were mailed Sept. 27. The error happened after department employees compared a list of names of 102,000 people provided by the Electronic Registration Information Center, a bipartisan, multistate organization devoted to voter registration, to a database of Colorado residents issued driver’s licenses.

People on Twitter reacted to the story with skepticism.


— Nurse Patriot (@LABeachGal1) May 23, 2023

This proves the open border motivation.

— Meecho (@kriz1) May 22, 2023

LOL… “it was just a mistake and our bad”

— Texas Darlin’ (@TexitDarling) May 22, 2023

Democrats: Voter fraud is a conspiracy theory!

Also Democrats: we tried again to cheat but got caught!

— Emerald Robinson (@EmeraldRobinson) May 22, 2023

It looks awfully suspicious, doesn’t it?

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