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The FBI’s war against Christians and pro-lifers goes even deeper than previously believed.

Recall TGP’s Cristina Laila reported last month that the FBI warned against “Radical Christian Catholic Ideology in a leaked memo. The FBI believes Catholics who prefer Latin Mass are white supremacists.

Fox News on Thursday reported FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle told the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government the FBI created a threat tag after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade last year. The FBI then used this tag to target pro-life Americans as domestic threats.

The corrupt department was particularly focused on pregnancy centers. O’Boyle also revealed his pro-life source was being harassed over threats to the Supreme Court while pro-abortion extremists were targeting conservative justices’ homes.

In addition to the FBI’s hatred for pro-lifers, O’Boyle explained this was also part of a larger effort by the FBI to convince Congress there was rampant domestic terrorism in an effort to obtain more federal funds.

The FBI then retaliated against O’Boyle by suspending him and preventing O’Boyle from retrieving his personal belongings.

Fox News reported:

The FBI created a threat tag following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade last year, but it later “shifted” to focus on pro-life individuals, an agent-turned-whistleblower told the House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

FBI Special Agent Garret O’Boyle, from the Wichita Resident Agency in the Kansas City Field Office, also said the FBI made him divide one domestic terrorism case into “four different cases,” in what he described as an effort by the bureau to be able to show Congress an influx of domestic terrorism cases.

As for the pro-life assignment, O’Boyle said the FBI created the threat tag “THREATSTOSCOTUS2022” after the high court’s decision on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which overturned the 1973 landmark Roe v. Wade case and returned the issue of abortion to the states.

O’Boyle said this threat tag “shifted and began focusing in on pro-life adherence.”

“When this threat tag came out, it was like, why are you focusing on pro-life people?” he told the panel, according to a transcript reviewed exclusively by Fox News Digital. “It’s pro-choice people who are the ones protesting or otherwise threatening violence in front of Supreme Court justices’ houses.”

O’Boyle said the FBI wanted agents to “look into” what the bureau called “pregnancy centers.”

“Like, the antithesis to abortion clinics. Whatever those are called,” he said.

O’Boyle said he later was given a “request for collection,” and was instructed to ask his confidential human source, who he said was pro-life, “a bunch of questions about the threats to the Supreme Court.”

When asked if he felt the FBI was using and creating threat tags in a politicized way, O’Boyle said: “I do.”

Meanwhile, with regard to the domestic terrorism cases, O’Boyle said the division of one case into multiple separate cases gave the FBI the opportunity to go to Congress and say, “look at all the domestic terrorism we’ve investigated.”

“Where, really, I was working on one case,” he said. “But, the FBI can then say, well, he actually had four, and so we need you to give us more money because look at how big of a threat all this domestic terrorism is.”

O’Boyle claimed the FBI retaliated against him for making protected disclosures to Congress.

When O’Boyle was suspended, he claimed the FBI prevented him from retrieving his personal belongings that were in storage with a company contracted by the FBI in Virginia. O’Boyle estimated that he spent approximately $10,000 to retrieve his personal belongings from the FBI storage.

O’Boyle told the panel he felt the FBI “was being weaponized against agents or anybody who wanted to step forward and talk about malfeasance inside the agency prior to this.”

The post Whistleblower Reveals How the Corrupt FBI is Using a “Threat Tag” to Target Pro-Lifers as Domestic Threats – FBI Retaliated By Suspending Him appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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