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A White House staffer is finding himself in hot water after inadvertently sending out a tweet that could be a massive embarrassment for the Biden administration.

On Friday, deputy press secretary Andrew Bates tweeted a video of Karine Jean-Pierre’s response to the criticism that Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg has received for his slow response to the train disaster in Ohio.

But it turns out that Bates did not pay much attention to the tweet that he sent out. If he had, he would have noticed that the video he tweeted came from journalist Greg Price, who at the time had changed his Twitter name to “Joe Biden Showered with His Daughter.”

Ok, @AndrewJBates46, you gotta admit this is pretty funny…

+1 @greg_price11

— Henry Rodgers (@henryrodgersdc) February 23, 2023

Yes, Bates, an ostensible professional, really tweeted something out that read “Joe Biden Showered with His Daughter.”

Many Twitter users, including Greg Price himself, responded to the tweet by pointing out just how funny it was that a deputy press secretary for the president could have this amount of unprofessionalism and level of incompetence.

oh my gosh

— Matt Whitlock (@mattdizwhitlock) February 23, 2023

And he can’t delete it because it’s a government account

— Greg Price (@greg_price11) February 23, 2023

But, then again, this is the Biden administration that we are talking about. These sorts of gaffes and missteps have become hallmarks of the administration, and frankly, at this point, Americans expect nothing less.

Price later changed his Twitter name back to his real name so Bates’s tweet no longer reads that, but the screenshots are still there for all to see.

“There’s been a lot of bad faith attacks on Secretary Buttigieg.

“If you remember Elaine Chao, she was the head of the Department of Transportation and when there were these types of chemical spills. Nobody was calling for her to be fired.”

— Andrew Bates (@AndrewJBates46) February 23, 2023

But, besides the obvious unprofessionalism of this tweet, this once again highlights the alarming allegations that are being brought against Joe Biden by his own daughter.

Price’s joke name refers to the fact that a diary confirmed to have belonged to Joe Biden’s daughter, Ashley Biden, claims that her father took showers with her when she was a child, which is beyond creepy.

But, of course, because it is politically inconvenient for the Democrats, the story got hardly any attention in the mainstream media, meaning that many people, especially liberals, who saw the tweet had absolutely no idea what it meant.

This is really a bad look for Joe Biden, as he has already come under fire for allegations of sexual assault and for awkward encounters with young girls. The mere fact that Ashley Biden made these allegations is the absolute last thing Biden wants to be reminded of right now.

The fact that his own deputy press secretary tweeted this out means that many more Americans will now be aware of these disturbing allegations.

Sadly, Bates’s tweet encapsulates everything that is wrong with the Biden administration: unprofessionalism, incompetence, a lack of leadership, an astounding lack of self-awareness, and allegations of misconduct.

The 2024 general election cannot come soon enough.

The post WH Deputy Press Secretary Accidentally Posts ‘Joe Biden Showered with His Daughter’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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