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President Trump went to Ohio to see the long-suffering and forgotten people who live in East Palestine. The people who’ve been snubbed and ignored by Joe Biden and Mayor Pete. But today was a good day for these poor people, because they loved seeing the actual president – the guy who really won. Trump arrived in East Palestine on Wednesday afternoon, and he wasted no time making everyone feel better. Actually, Trump treated everyone to a wonderful and tasty surprise… A perfect “Trump surprise,” if you will…President Trump did what he does best – he brightened everyone’s day with some delicious old fashioned American comfort food: Humbuggers and fries.

Big Macs, to be exact!


Donald Trump to McDonald’s workers in East Palestine, Ohio:

“I know this menu better than you do. I probably know it better than anybody in here.”

— The Recount (@therecount) February 22, 2023

While Trump was there, he talked about how the moment he announced he was going to Ohio, suddenly, everyone else did too. Also, FEMA magically decided to send federal relief funds to Ohio, after refusing.

They made this decision, right after Trump announced his trip. What a “coincidence,” right?


“When I came, everybody decided to come.”

Trump says he would have done things much differently with East Palestine if he was in office.


— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) February 22, 2023

Trump, while talking to locals, told one guy, “Biden needs to get over here.”

Actually, they’re probably better off without Biden there…

And by the way, were’s Mayor Pete? Again, they’re probably better off without that inept buffoon there as well.

But I will tell you who was there – our great new senator from Ohio, JD Vance. And as Don Jr. put it, THIS is what “America First” looks like.


This is what putting America First looks like 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

— Donald Trump Jr. (@DonaldJTrumpJr) February 22, 2023

President Trump knows just how to comfort people in need:

President Trump in East Palestine: Americans have been “inspired by your strength and your courage.”

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) February 22, 2023

Trust me, this is exactly what the people of East Palestine needed – a visit from somebody they love and trust.

President Trump is a really special man and he has a very big, genuine heart.

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