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Corrupt Attorney General Merrick Garland had an awful day testifying before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday over his department’s corrupt and tyrannical practices toward faithful, conservative Americans.

We have a trio of Senate conservative patriots to thank for his epic struggles.

Lets start with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) who ate Garland alive over ignoring credible threats to the safety of conservative Supreme Court Justices. Garland cannot give simple yes or no answer to this simple question:

Senator Ted Cruz: Let me try again. Has the Department of Justice brought even a single case under this statute? It’s a yes-no question. It’s not a give a speech on the other things you did.

Garland instead made a fool of himself by repeatedly trying to deflect blame onto the U.S. Marshals.


Lion Ted Cruz MAULS AG Garland to absolute SHREDS for ignoring threats against Supreme Court Justices

— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) March 1, 2023

Then Garland demands to finally answer Cruz’s question after several minutes. But Cruz was not in a giving mood.

Senator Ted Cruz: No, you cannot. You have refused to answer the question.

Next we have Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Sen Josh Hawley (R-MO) team up to rightfully blister the Department of Injustice’s anti-Christian and anti-life policies.

Hawley starts off by blistering Garland over how the corrupt FBI raided pro-life advocate Matt Houck’s house with guns drawn in front of his terrified children. The FBI arrested him over supposedly shoving an abortion clinic worker.

Houck was found not guilty of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act and now plans to sue the FBI.

The case against Houck was so frivolous that even Marxist Philadelphia District Attorney Larry Krasner declined to prosecute him. But Garland moved forward.

FULL EXCHANGE between Senator @HawleyMO and Attorney General Merrick Garland:

“You used an unbelievable show of force with guns, that I’d just note liberals usually decry…You’re happy to deploy them against Catholics and innocent children!”

— (@townhallcom) March 1, 2023

Hawley: You used an unbelievable show of force with guns, that I’d just note liberals usually decry…You’re happy to deploy them against Catholics and innocent children!

Lee is next up and points out how Garland’s department gleefully prosecutes individuals for blocking abortion clinics while turning a blind eye to attacks on pregnancy centers by pro-abortion extremists.

Notice during this exchange how Garland stammers like a clueless idiot and commits possible perjury in the process.

.@BasedMikeLee: “DOJ has announced charges against 34 individuals for blocking access to…abortion clinics…there have been over 81 reported attacks on pregnancy centers…and only 2 individuals have been charged!”

GARLAND: “We apply the law equally.”

— (@townhallcom) March 1, 2023

Garland utters so many “uhs” that he makes Joe Biden look halfway eloquent. Then Garland laughably claims the DOJ applies the law fairly.

Cruz concludes the complete evisceration of Garland by elaborating on how Houck was treated by the Biden Injustice Department and noting how attacks on pregnancy centers and churches are ignored by the Biden regime.

Sen. @tedcruz confronts AG Merrick Garland on the discrepancy between prosecuting pro-life counselors vs. pro-abortion extremists.

Garland flippantly responds by asking if Sen. Cruz has “any information” on violent pro-abortion extremists attacking pregnancy centers.

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) March 1, 2023

Garland can only play dumb on the attacks against people of faith and keeps claiming “the FBI disagrees” with Cruz’s correct description of Houck’s treatment.

We should all be eternally grateful Garland never received a lifetime Supreme Court appointment.

The post WATCH: Conservative Senators Team Up to Destroy AG Merrick Garland During Hearing – Leave Him Stuttering And Repeating Himself Like A Robot appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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