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Joe Biden was confronted by an anti-war protester while having dinner in DC on Saturday night, on the eve of his big surprise trip to Ukraine.

A video of the confrontation was shared by CodePink, a left-wing anti-war organization with a long history of confronting politicians over foreign policy.

“President Biden, I hate to bother you — we need to end this war in Ukraine,” the protester says. “We need to push through negotiations! I hate to bother you but people are dying.”

WATCH: We ran into President Biden at dinner in DC – he can eat peace when there’s peace for the people and planet too! #PeaceInUkraine #CubaSíBloqueoNo

— CODEPINK (@codepink) February 19, 2023

Though the confrontation was remarkably polite, diners could still be heard groaning as the protester urged him to help negotiate a deal between Russia and Ukraine — and end the blockade in Cuba.

“I hate to bother you, I’ll happily leave but I hope that we push for peace talks and negotiations and take Cuba off the state sanctioned terrorist list,” the woman continued.

The confrontation occurred the night before Biden left for his surprise trip to Kyiv, where he spent President’s Day promising another $500 million in taxpayer-funded weapons to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Libs in the replies aren’t happy with this but a few years ago they informed us this is how to bring about change. What happened?

— Doug Powers (@ThePowersThatBe) February 19, 2023

Though the organization leans far to the left, it was Democrats who seemed to be the most upset about CodePink’s stunt.

It’s hard to believe you could dishonor the name “Codepink” but you have. You need to be yelling that at Putin, you naive children

— Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann) February 19, 2023

“It’s hard to believe you could dishonor the name ‘Codepink’ but you have,” Keith Olbermann tweeted. “You need to be yelling that at Putin, you naive children.”

Go heckle Putin

— Santiago Mayer (@santiagomayer_) February 19, 2023

Santiago Mayer, Executive Director of the far-left organization Voters Tomorrow, told the group to “Go heckle Putin.”

The post WATCH: Biden Confronted By Anti-War Protester While Having Dinner in DC Before Trip to Ukraine appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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