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Nancy Pelosi and her team have always claimed that what happened on January 6th was a full-blown “insurrection.” They truly believe unarmed people with flags and fanny packs planned to take over the United States. That’s absurd. If you ask me, it was an combustable event, where people felt their rights had been trampled on, and with good reason – if you look at polls, most Americans believe there was cheating – and out of the tens of thousands who were there – a few acted up, and things got out of control. And even that is under question, as well. How many FBI informants were there? We don’t know and the FBI won’t say.

All we need is to see all the video footage and then we’ll know exactly what happened.

But Dems wouldn’t release that footage. Why?

McCarthy is supposed to release the videos…we’ll see.

And speaking of videos, we have another doozy to show you. This one calls into questions Pelosi’s entire narrative, and has many people wondering what’s really going on.

The video comes from her daughter, Alexandra, who was at the Capital the entire time with her documentary film crew.

Yes, how much of a “coincidence” was that? They had a film crew capturing all the “behind the scenes” action on January 6.

Good lord…🙄

But now, we have more behind-the-scenes “action,” thanks once again to Alexandra.

This time it’s from her.

She’s on video saying some very interesting things about J6…things her mother most definately wouldn’t approve of.

I saw this tweet online, but my understanding is that Gateway Pundit broke the story and got their hands on this video. Amazing.

Here’s what happened:

“Alexandra Pelosi: “If there was an insurrection, you were supposed to be in line marching like the military does.””

January 6th defendent to Alexandra Pelosi: “You got politicians every night comparing it to Pearl Harbor, 9/11”. Pelosi: “That was just sad”

January 6th defendent to Alexandra Pelosi: “You got politicians every night comparing it to Pearl Harbor, 9/11”.

Pelosi: “That was just sad”

— 3sidedstory 🇺🇲 (@3sidedstory) February 17, 2023

Alexandra Pelosi: “I think time is going to remember January 6th differently”

Alexandra Pelosi: “If there was an insurrection, you were supposed to be in line marching like the military does.”

Alexandra Pelosi: “If there was an insurrection, you were supposed to be in line marching like the military does.”@julie_kelly2 @ColumbiaBugle

— 3sidedstory 🇺🇲 (@3sidedstory) February 17, 2023

That’s a very interesting series of videos, isn’t it?

I guess the truth will be in the pudding when we see the edited version of Alexandra’s documentary.

But there’s no doubt that this video does have a lot of people questioning all of the “insurrection” stuff her mother has been pushing. After all, Alexandra was there, on that day.


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