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I know that you can barely make ends meet because Joe Biden has so thoroughly destroyed our economy and because the government loves to tax you to death, but you really shouldn’t be so selfish. There are illegal aliens in Denver that need your help.

The Gateway Pundit reported,

The city of Denver, Colorado is collapsing under the weight of its new population of illegal border crossers.

The mayor just cut police funding by $8 million in order to keep catering to illegals, but it’s just not enough according to one illegal immigrant advocacy group.

Apparently, six months of free housing and food is insulting. How about nothing then? Is that an option?

FOX News reports: Migrants and an advocacy group in Denver decried the city’s new Asylum Seekers Program that offers six months of free housing, calling it “insufficient” and “offensive” despite the mayor cutting the city’s emergency budget to accommodate the migrant surge.

The sanctuary city has been struggling to stretch its limited resources to support the growing number of migrants making their way to Denver. More than 40,000 migrants have found their way to the city since December 2022, more per capita than any other U.S. city – at a total cost of around $68 million, the New York Post reported.

Talk about ungrateful. After receiving tens of millions of dollars with of free handouts they have the audacity to demand more. The only “slap across the face” is the fact that they were ever allowed to be here in the first place. Americans are suffering and barely able to support ourselves thanks to the failed policies of the regime in power. Our money should be going only to Americans.

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