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City councilors in the Democratic Party stronghold of Louisville, Colorado, voted this week to set a limit on the number of gas stations in the city.

While the rest of the world will continue to drill for, refine and use abundant and cheap oil, the liberals running the Denver suburb that is home to roughly 20,000 people intend to do their part to help the “climate” by setting back their own economy.

The act of virtue signaling will come at the expense of convenience for citizens and will presumably see the city lose some tax revenue.

Colorado is home to many former Californians whose voting patterns ruined the Golden State.

People who made their old homes intolerably oppressive and expensive by picking bad leaders with bad ideas uprooted their lives to move off to the mountains.

They have now made Colorado expensive and are working on expanding the government’s influence over people’s lives.

Where did the Louisville City Council look for inspiration for this insane idea? California, naturally.

“Banning or limiting new gasoline service stations is a growing trend for local municipalities due to health and environmental concerns with the continued use of gasoline powered vehicles and equipment,” the council’s ordinance proposal stated.

It added, “Early adopters of bans include Petaluma, Santa Rosa, and Sonoma County in California.”

Council member Maxine Most told Fox News the council felt obligated to take a step toward saving the world from gasoline.

“We have an obligation to take every step possible to address the changes to our climate that are ravaging our planet and directly impacting the health, well-being and livelihoods of the constituents we represent in Louisville,” she said.

The Daily Camera newspaper in neighboring Boulder reported the measure to cap the number of gas stations allowed to operate in Louisville at six passed unanimously on Tuesday night.

If any existing gas station closes for more than a year, any business seeking to reopen the location will have to ask for a special permit to sell gasoline.

Additionally, any future gas station that operates within Louisville will be required to install electric vehicle charging stations.

The endgame for climate change hardliners who have overinflated opinions of their impact on the world is of course to ban gasoline cars and force everyone to drive electric.

Electric vehicles might be the future of transportation, but the technology is not yet practical for everyone and is cost-prohibitive for many Americans.

If EVs end up dominating the market, that should be driven by consumers and not the government.

Of course, the far-left is almost always at odds with capitalism.

The post US City Cooks Up Insane New Idea, Bans New Gas Stations to Fight Climate Change appeared first on The Western Journal.

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