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Fox News host Tucker Carlson reached out to both declared and potential 2024 Republican presidential candidates about their position on the country’s policy on the war in Ukraine.

The answers, as the host noted on his show Monday, were different for each candidate. Minus a few outliers, most people who have been floated as serious contenders said they are opposed to a blank-check policy toward arming Ukraine in its stalemate against Russia.

The U.S. has provided billions of dollars in aid to the war-torn country. Depending on which GOP candidate wins the primary next year, policy toward the war could change drastically — given that candidate goes on to win a general election.

Carlson asked 13 people in total how they would approach aid to Ukraine, and asked them if intervention in Europe should be one of this country’s key priorities.

Nikki Haley, Mike Pompeo, Asa Hutchinson, John Bolton, and Chris Sununu each declined to respond.

Most of those who did offer lengthy responses, starting with former President Donald Trump, who polls have shown as the frontrunner in the race.

We asked every potential 2024 GOP presidential candidate to answer six key questions on the war in Ukraine. As promised, their full responses are below.

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

The Fox News host posted the full response from each candidate or potential candidate on Twitter.

Trump told Carlson the war in Ukraine would have never materialized if he had been president last February.

“Our objective in Ukraine is to help and secure Europe, but Europe isn’t helping itself,” he responded. “They are relying on the United States to largely do it for them. That is very unfair to us. Especially since Europe takes advantage of us on trade and other things.”

Trump also said he was opposed to regime change in any other country but the U.S.

“We should support regime change in the United States, that’s far more important,” Trump said. “The Biden administration are the ones who got us into this mess.”

Former President @realDonaldTrump answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

“Like inflation and numerous other self inflicted wounds and mistakes made over the past two years, Russia would definitely not have raided and attacked Ukraine if I was your President. In fact, for four years…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis also responded to the questionnaire. He said there were more pressing issues facing Americans than war in Europe.

“While the U.S. has many vital national interests — securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, and checking the economic, cultural, and military power of the Chinese Communist Party — becoming further entangled in a territorial dispute between Ukraine and Russia is not one of them,” the governor stated.

DeSantis concluded, “The Biden administration’s virtual ‘blank check’ funding of this conflict for “as long as it takes,” without any defined objectives or accountability, distracts from our country’s most pressing challenges.”

Florida Governor @RonDeSantisFL answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

“While the U.S. has many vital national interests – securing our borders, addressing the crisis of readiness within our military, achieving energy security and independence, and checking the economic, cultural,…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Former Vice President Mike Pence stated he feels arming Ukraine is crucial to the country’s national security, citing the “Reagan doctrine.”

“When the United States supports Ukraine in their fight against Putin, we follow the Reagan doctrine, and we support those who fight our enemies on their shores, so we will not have to fight them ourselves,” Pence replied. “There is no room for Putin apologists in the Republican Party.”

Pence added, “This is not America’s war, but if Putin is not stopped and the sovereign nation of Ukraine is not restored quickly, he will continue to move toward our NATO allies, and America would then be called upon to send our own.”

Former VP @Mike_Pence answers our Ukraine questionnaire

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“When the United States supports Ukraine in their fight against Putin, we follow the Reagan doctrine, and we support those who fight our enemies…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem responded to questions about Ukraine by also questioning the country’s use of economic sanctions. She argued the practice only works to bolster foreign currency and dilute the dollar.

“The American people didn’t get us into this war — Joe Biden did,” she stated. “Biden has this fantasy that he can do the same kind of thing to Russia that Ronald Reagan did to the Soviet Union; that, somehow, through American military weight, we’re going to bring Putin to his knees. His fantasy is wasting a lot of American money and killing too many people.”

South Dakota Governor @govkristinoem answers our Ukraine questionnaire:

Q: Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

A: “The primary external threat to the United States in Communist China. Our opposition to Russia has heightened this threat…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

In his response, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said the Biden administration’s policy of giving Ukraine’s government every dollar it asks for has put Americans last.

“Before [Biden] sends any more money or assets to Ukraine’s border, he must enforce our immigration laws and secure our southern border,” Abbott said. “As Governor of Texas, I am focused on responding to this Biden-made border crisis and delivering real results for Texans this legislative session.”

Governor @GregAbbott_TX on Ukraine:

“President Biden’s blank check foreign policy in Ukraine has drawn nothing but ridicule and disdain from our adversaries and has diverted funding from essential needs in the United States. Throwing money at Ukraine with no accountability or…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina called for the country to continue to “degrade the Russian military,” but said it must be done in a responsible way that recognizes China has become an adversary as part of a larger conflict.

“There is no such thing as a blank check,” Scott said. “We are going to make sure that there’s accountability. And the last point I’d make on the Ukraine front is that China has chosen a side. They are partnering, they are partnering with Putin, which means it’s enmity with us.”

@SenatorTimScott on Ukraine:

“You have Americans who are frustrated because of the lack of leadership on domestic issues that only exacerbates the situation we see today in Ukraine. Here’s where we need the president to lead: what is our nation’s vital interest in Ukraine? And…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Asked if supporting Ukraine was in America’s strategic interest, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy said the conflict was created by the degradation of the country’s energy independence.

“The Biden Administration weakened our energy security, which created the conditions for Putin to invade Ukraine, which is of course an undesired outcome,” he wrote. “Biden, in turn, responded by calling for more oil and gas production, pretty much everywhere in the world other than in the U.S. itself.”

2024 GOP Presidential Candidate @VivekGRamaswamy answers our Ukraine questionnaire (1/3)

Is opposing Russia in Ukraine a vital American national strategic interest?

“No, it is not “vital.” Rather, this is a stark reminder of what is a vital American national strategic interest:…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

@VivekGRamaswamy (3/3) “There is opportunity cost in depleting these defense resources–especially in protecting our own soil and border from Mexican cartels or in the case of Communist China. Critics of this view would say that these defense capabilities are different–that we…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie called on the U.S. to continue to assist Ukraine, no matter the cost.

“This effort is not about regime change in Russia; it is about respecting the sovereignty of free nations,” he stated.

Former @GovChristie on Ukraine:
“Russia’s aggression against Ukraine is a national security issue that threatens our alliances and our standing in the world. Our objective is to assist Ukraine sufficiently to enable them to defeat Russian forces and restore their sovereignty.…

— Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) March 14, 2023

Each of the responses can be read in full by clicking on the tweets posted above.

The post Tucker Carlson Asked GOP Presidential Hopefuls For Their Position on Ukraine – There Are Major Differences appeared first on The Western Journal.

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