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On Saturday, triggered liberals had a meltdown and accused African-American Elon Musk of being a racist over his comment on interracial violent crime incidents.

Twitter user @EndWokeness recently shared a data detailing the number of cases of interracial violent crime in 2018.

The black-on-white crime was found to be much higher than white-on-black and Hispanic-on-black crime in the data.

Black on white: 547,948
Black on Hispanic: 112,365
White on black: 59,778
White on Hispanic: 207,104
Hispanic on white: 365,299
Hispanic on black: 44,551

Perspective is everything

— End Wokeness (@EndWokeness) May 5, 2023

Elon Musk commented on the data, “Odd, why would the media misrepresent the real situation to such an extreme degree?”

It’s because the left & their Media use blacks as a political shield to hide their agendas behind the false virtue of “protecting a marginalized minority”. To keep this scam going, they must constantly cast black people as oppressed.

This is straight out of the cultural Marxism…

— Melissa Tate (@TheRightMelissa) May 6, 2023

This question triggered the liberals including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and accused Elon Musk of being a racist.

“At this rate he’s gonna be begging for MyPillow ad buys in no time,” AOC tweeted.

At this rate he’s gonna be begging for MyPillow ad buys in no time

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) May 6, 2023

But it didn’t go well for AOC because her meaningless remark was widely mocked on Twitter.

I’m curious, why is it anytime any white person of influence says anything positive about white people you immediately implicate them as white supremacists?

— JD Sharp (@imjdsharp) May 6, 2023

It’s the way you totally deflected from the point for meeeeee.

AOC, just admit you’re comfortable with Black death as long as it’s not from White people.

Thank you @elonmusk for bring attention to this concerning matter.

— Xaviaer DuRousseau (@XAVIAERD) May 6, 2023

The numbers are either true or false. Statistics are not racist.

— David Strom (@DavidStrom) May 6, 2023

AOC, you should stick to calling marines murderers when they detain a crazy violent person (with 45 arrests, one that includes kidnapping a 7 year old) on a subway.

You are a pandering, political hack.

— RightSideOfTheMoon (@rightsideofmoon) May 6, 2023

How is it racist to wonder why mainstream media doesn’t cover the true story?

— Dr.Carol X Lunz PhD She/Him,GED Alumni,POC-Ally (@marinasmigielsk) May 6, 2023

The irony is that the most racist people in America are progressives. Check yourself, boo.

— Brownie Terror (@brownie_terror) May 6, 2023

Out of curiosity – can you read this?

— Gordana Schifanelli,Esq. (@GSchifanelli) May 6, 2023

The post Triggered Liberals Including AOC Have Meltdown and Accuse Elon Musk of Racism Over Comment on ‘Interracial Violent Crime Incidents’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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