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Tucker Carlson gave the keynote speech at the 50th Anniversary of the Heritage Foundation last night Thursday night.   

Tucker began his career at Heritage 30-years ago as a fact-checker.

Daily Signal reports:

The battle for America today is one between good and evil, popular Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Friday night in his keynote address at The Heritage Foundation’s 50th anniversary gala.

“What you’re watching is not a political movement,” Carlson said. “It’s evil.”

The side of evil is characterized by violence, hate, disorder, division, disorganization, and filth, Carlson said in remarks at the black-tie-optional affair at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center here. And praying to protect America against such things is something he too often forgets to do, he told a ballroom audience of about 2,000.

The battle is not about economics or policy papers, Carlson said, as it was in 1991 when he began his first job at The Heritage Foundation as a fact-checker on the same day communist hard-liners staged a coup in the Soviet Union. (The Daily Signal is Heritage’s multimedia news organization.)

“The side of good is characterized by calmness, tranquility, peace, lack of conflict, cleanliness,” Carlson said. “And evil is characterized by their opposites.”

Tucker said a lot in his 20-minute speech.

At the 7:20 minute mark below Tucker shared the following:

Once you say one true thing and stick with it all kinds of other true things occur to you.  The truth is contagious.  Lying is but the truth is as well and the second you decide to tell the truth about something you are filled with this, I don’t want to get supernatural on you, but you are filled with this power from somewhere else.  Try it…

The more you tell the truth the stronger you become.

During a brief question and answer period, Tucker shared that the most shocking thing over the past 30 years is that the Internet didn’t bring more truth, it narrowed the truth, by forcing narratives on us.

Tucker ended by saying to tell the people you love every day that you love them.

See the video below:

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