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The nonstop Christian worship service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Kentucky, that began last week entered its 10th day on Friday as thousands continue to stream in to experience God.

The whole thing started on Wednesday, Feb. 8, at a regularly scheduled chapel service that simply did not end.

Zach Meerkreebs, with the Christian and Missionary Alliance organization Envision, was the featured speaker that morning and he spoke on the importance of experiencing God’s love.

“You cannot love until you are loved by Jesus,” he said citing a verse from the Bible’s 1 John, chapter 4: “We love because he first loved us.”

“Some of us need to sit in the love of God. Some of us need to taste and see and experience the power of the Holy Spirit,” Meerkreebs exhorted.

The leadership of Asbury said on the pulpit that there will be no celebrity’s on stage except Jesus.

“nameless and faceless. It’s not about personalities.” – Lee Grady @LeeGrady

Pray for personal revival and #firstlove to Jesus.#asburyrevival

— Greg Gordon (@gregjgordon) February 16, 2023

The preacher pointed out that the world badly needs this kind of love.

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“They need a bunch of Christians experiencing the love of God so they can pour out the love of God. Not through their own efforts and not through their own knowledge but because they’re filled with his love,” Meerkreebs said. “So … become the love of God by experiencing the love of God.”

He concluded, “Jesus, do a new thing in our midst. Revive us by your love.”

And that’s exactly what happened, Asbury student body president Alison Perfater told Wendy Griffith with the CBN News.

“You just didn’t want to leave. It’s not that anyone was saying, ‘Let’s see how long we can last.’ … We just didn’t want to go. I came in and I had a lot of anger issues … I really struggle with my anger and I was able to talk with God,” she said.

CBN News Reports from #AsburyRevival

Line Stretches Half a Mile as the Fruit of Revival Is on Display at Asbury: ‘A Very, Very Healing Experience’ @LeeGrady @malachiobrien @gregjgordon @GrahamAllen_1 @seanfeucht

— CBN News (@CBNNews) February 17, 2023

Asbury Theological Seminary student Daniel Moye told Griffith, “It’s been just a really hard couple of years, and not just for me, for a lot of my friends.”

“And I just felt like the Lord was releasing from a lot of bitterness and anger that I had just about all kinds of stuff, even some of it towards God,” he explained.

“And I can say, for me personally, the biggest word that I can use is it’s been a very, very healing experience for me,” Moye shared.

Day 8 of the great Asbury revival.

People are FLOCKING and waiting in line by the thousands to get inside and worship our Lord.

A revival is happening.


— Graham Allen (@GrahamAllen_1) February 16, 2023

Griffith described what she experienced inside Hughes Auditorium, where the meeting is taking place, as having “a tangible presence of God’s peace, joy and a freedom to worship and adore the one true God.”

Word of the move of God at Asbury has spread like wildfire on social media.

NBC News reported that TikTok videos hashtagged “Asbury Revival” had racked up over 24 million views as of Wednesday.

Students and staff from at least 22 other schools have visited Ashbury to experience the move of God for themselves, according to the news outlet.

Today is the eighth day of a spontaneous rival service at Asbury University in Wilmore, Ky. Thousands have come from all over the country to be part of this. The response has been so overwhelming, the university has had to open overflow rooms in other chapels on campus. #WKYT

— Chad Hedrick (@ChadHedrickWKYT) February 15, 2023

Perfater told Fox News host Tucker Carlson Wednesday that people keep coming from pretty much all 50 states and from overseas, too.

Carlson said he assumed she did not know how long the revival will last.

“I could not tell you,” Perfater responded, adding, “And I wouldn’t want to guess.”

CBN News reported that spiritual awakenings are breaking out on other college campuses in Ohio, Tennessee and Alabama.

Is this the beginning of a national spiritual awakening?

Let’s pray it is so.

The post Spontaneous Revival Now Going for 10 Days Straight as People Travel Thousands of Miles to Join appeared first on The Western Journal.

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