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Joe Biden infamously bragged about his “$1 billion loan guarantee” quid-pro-quo meeting that took place in December 2015 in Ukraine.  Joe couldn’t help bragging about getting the prosecutor investigating Burisma, Viktor Shokin, fired years later in a Council on Foreign Relations panel.  In his boastings, Biden also implicated then-President Obama in that exchange:  “You have no authority…you’re not the President…” to which Biden smugly replied “Call him.”


But more shocking than this admission are emails that strongly suggest Hunter Biden’s involvement in this effort to “close down for [sic] any cases/pursuits against Nikolay [Zlochevsky] in Ukraine.”  The following outlines a thorough investigation by Badlands Media co-founder Jon Herold:

Sally Painter, a former Clinton administration senior advisor from 1993-1995 and co-founder/COO of Blue Star Strategies, reached out to Hunter Biden in a February 2011 email asking if Hunter would consider a position on the board of the Truman National Security Project.


A month later, Painter emailed Hunter back and said “U were a big hit as expected…I think you will get the actual offer in the next three weeks.”  Jake Sullivan, the current National Security Advisor, would later join the Truman National board in 2017.  This email string and the subsequent offer lay the foundation of Painter’s relationship with Hunter predating this incredible discovery.

Fast forward to October 2015.  “Joan Mayer” of Rosemont Seneca emailed Hunter and Eric Schwerin a schedule for the next week that included the line “*HOLD- Breakfast with Devon, Vadym & Sally Painter- TBD”.  “Vadym” refers to Vadym Pozharskyi, the “fixer” for shady oligarchs, according to a New York Post article in October 2020.  Vadym had previously asked Hunter “how you could use your influence to convey a message…to stop what we consider to be politically motivated actions” regarding Burisma’s leader and on going investigations.

About a week later on October 31, 2015, Hunter’s former partner, Devon Archer, would forward an email from Blue Star Strategies to Vadym, Hunter, and Schwerin.  Sally Painter was Cc’d on the original email.  The subject reads “Revised Burisma Proposal, Contract and Invoice.”  While the contract itself is not available for download, the context of the follow-up emails strongly suggests a “pay for play” operation immediately before Joe Biden’s famous “Son-of-a-bitch was fired” trip to Ukraine.

Within days, Vadym replied back to Archer, Schwerin, and Hunter with the following:

Notice in this email that Vadym claims the contract lacks “tangible results” and “doesn’t offer any names of top US officials here in Ukraine” such as a US Ambassador as “key targets for improving Nikolay’s case and his situation in Ukraine.”  Nikolay is how Vadym refers to the owner of Burisma Holdings, Mykola Zlochevsky.

In the next paragraph, Vadym says “if, however, this is done deliberately to be on the safe and cautious side, [he] can understand the rationale.”  He then asserts that “we should proceed immediately” as long as “…all parties in fact understand the true purpose of the BS engagement and all our joint efforts.”  BS refers to the contractor, Blue Star Strategies.

While initially erring on the side of caution, Vadym then lets out the most damning evidence of a “pay for play” between Hunter Biden’s associates at Rosemont Seneca, Burisma, and US officials under the Obama administration:

My only concern is for us to be on the same page re our final goals. With this in mind, I would like us to formulate a list of deliverables, including, but not limited to: a concrete course of actions, incl. meetings/communications resulting in high-ranking US officials in Ukraine (US Ambassador) and in US publicly or in private communication/comment expressing their “positive opinion” and support of Nikolay/Burisma to the highest level of decision makers here in Ukraine: President of Ukraine, president Chief of staff, Prosecutor General, etc
The scope of work should also include organization of a visit of a number of widely recognized and influential current and/or former US policy-makers to Ukraine in November aiming to conduct meetings with and bring positive signal/message and support on Nikolay’s issue to the Ukrainian top officials above with the ultimate purpose to close down for  any cases/pursuits against Nikolay in Ukraine. 
Schwerin writes back within 9 minutes that “this is definitely done deliberately to [sic] be on the safe and cautious side and that Sally [Painter] and company understand the scope and deliverables.”
Archer then emails back “Hunter, You need to deliver that message.”
Vadym thanks Hunter after he emails Vadym the following:
Let me have one final call with them and verify once more that they understand the scope so we can all feel that the retainer is in line with the work required.  I trust Sally and Karen implicitly so I believe we are all aligned but I want to have one last conversation with them to confirm before we proceed.
Vadym signed the agreement and emailed it back to Hunter, Schwerin and Archer with the following message:

Dear Colleagues,

Please, find attached the signed agreement with BS from our side. Could you kindly have BS countersign it and forward back to me? I would appreciate it. Also, the 60 ths [sic] retainer is being wired today. I am kindly asking you to schedule either a conf call or advise us as to the foreseen action plan for November – December 2015, and if anything has been already done by BS, could kindly you ask them to share with us this information?
Thank you,
On December 2nd, 2015, Sean Keeley of Blue Star Strategies sent an email to several Rosemont email addresses, including Hunter, Archer, and Schwerin, as well as several Blue Star emails including Sally Painter and co-founder Karen Tramontano with a memo of the minutes from a White House conference call regarding Joe Biden’s upcoming trip to Ukraine.
This is the very trip that Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in loan guarantees, with President Obama’s blessing according to Joe, if the prosecutor (Viktor Shokin) was not fired.  Shokin was reported to have been fired in April of 2016.  The investigation into Burisma and “Nikolay” was eventually closed by Shokin’s successor, Yuriy Lutsenko.
Blue Star Strategies would come under investigation for “illegal lobbying” in 2021, according to FOX News.  While the FOX News article does mention “access” to “high levels” of the Clinton campaign in the weeks leading up to the 2016 election, there is no reference to the 2015 contract between Blue Star Strategies, Rosemont Seneca, and Vadym Pozharskyi in 2015, just a week or two before Joe Biden’s now-infamous Ukraine trip.
In May 2022 the Biden DOJ closed the probe into the organization with no findings of wrongdoing.

Today on Badlands Daily we dissected my latest article which provides damning evidence of Biden corruption.

Watch this 3 minute summary!

Full 12 minute breakdown:

Full article: @CannConActual

— Jon Herold (@patel_patriot) May 23, 2023






The post Smoking Gun: Hunter Biden’s “Pay for Play” Contract/Emails Revealed From Days Before the Infamous “Son of a Bitch Was Fired” Trip to Ukraine appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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