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Sidney Powell, who was a staunch fighter during the 2020 election sham, was just handed a huge court victory. But before we get to that, I’d like to say something about Sidney. I know a lot of people love to slam her and blame her for turning the 2020 sham into a “circus” that nobody took seriously. And I get that people are upset and frustrated over some of  her outlandish claims. But personally, I believe that Sidney got roped in by some questionable people who were feeding her a lot of BS. She trusted these people at a time when things were crazy, and chaotic and moving at the speed of light. I think she got caught up in the frenzy and entwined with some unsavory characters.

So, with that said, Sidney just scored a huge victory in a Texas court.

A Texas judge tossed out the attorney discipline case against Trump ally Sidney Powell alleging frivolous postelection legal activity, finding state bar regulators failed to meet their burden in the case and had “numerous defects” in filings.

A Texas judge has tossed out a disciplinary case against attorney Sidney Powell finding state bar regulators failed to present enough evidence to keep alive claims that she violated ethics rules by filing frivolous post-election lawsuits.

Powell, a staunch ally of former President Donald Trump following the 2020 presidential election, lead a series of unsuccessful legal efforts to contest President Joe Biden’s wins in battleground states. She also promoted conspiracy theories of widespread election fraud, including that voting machine software had flipped votes for Trump to Biden and had its origins in election-rigging efforts in Venezuela.

The Texas Commission for Lawyer Discipline filed a case against Powell last March in state district court in Dallas County, accusing her of professional misconduct. Bar regulators won an earlier round, with Judge Andrea Bouressa denying Powell’s motion to dismiss the case last summer.

But in a four-page order entered on Wednesday, Bouressa, a Republican appointee of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, found that the commission failed to meet its burden on several claims it had lodged against Powell and simply failed to respond to Powell’s challenges to others.

The judge identified “numerous defects” with the commission’s court filings, noting that exhibits were mislabeled or not cited in its briefs. She wrote that she “alerted the parties to difficulty locating materials cited in the Commission’s brief, but the Commission responded that no corrective action was necessary.

In the end, I believe that what happened with the 2020 election was more about Ballot Harvesting than anything else. Trust me, that’s much harder to track and prove then reprogramming a bunch of voting machines. Now, I am not saying those machines are good and safe and can’t be hacked or manipulated – but I think in the case of 2020 and 2022, Ballot Harvesting was the method used.

I also believe that Sidney remains a great attorney, and I truly think she meant well at the time.

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