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100 Percent Fed Up – The Supreme Court is reconsidering whether to hear a lawsuit filed by Raland J. Brunson that alleges President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, former Vice President Mike Pence, 291 House members, and 94 senators violated their oaths of office by refusing to investigate evidence of fraud in the 2020 election.

Brunson initially filed his lawsuit in the Utah 2nd District Court on June 21, 2021, with the goal of proving that, by voting against the proposed investigation into 2020 voter fraud, the defendants violated their sworn oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”

After making its way to the Supreme Court, SCOTUS denied Brunson’s petition. On January 23, Brunson filed a petition for reconsideration.

In the petition, Brunson, who is representing himself in the case, argued that the involved lawmakers should face a penalty for violating their oaths of office or else they aren’t binding.

“The Oath of Office requires that aid and comfort cannot be given to those levying war through a rigged election,” wrote Brunson, arguing that a “Presidential rigged election is a threat to the Constitution.”

“[W]hen members of Congress become aware of such allegations, an investigation into these allegations is required, or they become violators of their Oath of Office,” Brunson added.

Brunson also poses a question to the Supreme Court, asking, “Doesn’t this court have the power to adjudicate these serious claims and to immediately end the conflict and fix the national security breach?”

On February 1, the Supreme Court set a date to reconsider Brunson’s hearing for February 17.

The post SCOTUS to Reconsider Hearing Case Accusing Biden, Harris, Pence, and Other Lawmakers of Violating Oaths by Ignoring 2020 Fraud Allegations appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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