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Megyn Kelly wipes the floor with Bill Maher on his own show when he compares Trump to Hitler. (Credit: Real Time With Bill Maher screenshot)

Perhaps no person in America has been red-pilled as much as Megyn Kelly on President Trump, as she has become one of his most effective advocates over the past few years. This was noticeable last night on liberal comedian Bill Maher’s HBO show.

Maher decided to invite Kelly to discuss the 2024 presidential election, but things quickly turned ugly when the HBO host called Trump a fascist, citing turncoat former Trump officials trying to sabotage his presidential campaign.

As one would expect, Kelly brilliantly responded to his nonsense by laying out some hard historical facts, which caused Maher to briefly switch the subject to the economy. But Kelly was once again ready, forcing Maher to admit defeat.


I would never want to debate @megynkelly. She dismantles everyone’s arguments.

Bill Maher is left waving the white flag at the end of this

— Spitfire (@DogRightGirl) October 26, 2024

MAHER: I’m not saying you don’t have a point. I’m just saying it’s hard for people to understand why that, which is not democracy, that’s the border issue, and you’re right, they f**ked it up. Back to all the things that he’s been saying, and all the people in his administration who’ve said he’s a fascist, he wants to be fascist, his friends are all dictators.

KELLY: I don’t care about that at all. Not at all.

MAHER: Because?

KELLY: January 6th was not good.

MAHER: Wait, why don’t you care about that at all?

KELLY: Because they’ve been saying that about Trump for years, they’ve been saying that about Republican candidates for years. It has a long, storied history. If you are at all center or center-right, you are used to having your candidate of choice completely demonized, whether it’s the f-word, the r-word, the misogynist word.

They tried to tell us Mitt Romney was a raging sexist because of binders full of women. They tried to tell us John McCain was a raging racist, notwithstanding the fact that he adopted a daughter from Bangladesh. They’ve been doing this for every Republican, and they get to Trump, and we are no longer listening to them.

Trump has incendiary rhetoric, there’s no question, but we have four years to judge him by, and the country was going pretty well, unlike the four we’ve had with these two.

MAHER: Well, I mean, I could argue with that, too. If Trump had this economy, and I could go through all the stats, the stock market is through the roof, wages are up.

KELLY: Not as high as it was under Trump.

MAHER: Well, first of all, Trump inherited somebody else’s economy.

KELLY: That’s what Barack Obama would like us to think.

MAHER: Well, it’s true. Really, on day one, everything changed?

KELLY: So, walk me through it. So Trump has Obama to thank for his economy, but Biden can’t thank Trump for anything?

MAHER: Okay, let’s get off this…

Maher then went back to calling Trump a fascist, not only comparing to autocratic leaders in Russia and China but also Hitler. Kelly quickly flipped the tables on him by aptly pointing out that there was Middle East peace during Trump’s time in office.

She then correctly noted that Kamala Harris and Joe Biden were the ones acting like fascists, citing their efforts to target Trump and ignore Supreme Court rulings.

After hearing this, a defeated Maher ended the interview.

Megyn Kelly destroys the phony fascism argument once and for all after Bill Maher compared Trump to Hitler repeatedly:
Bill Maher: “What did Hitler and the Japanese have in common? Nothing, except they saw the world in the same way: Fascism. If your guy gets in, we’re going to be…

— Eric Abbenante (@EricAbbenante) October 26, 2024

MAHER: These are the dictator countries. There’s a very World War II feeling here when the dictators were getting together. I mean, in World War II, what did Hitler and the Japanese have in common? Nothing except they saw the world one way: Fascism.

They all had to do it in their own way. Iran is a fascist country. So is China, so is Russia, Saudi Arabia you could say also. Somehow, the world seems to be dividing between the good guy countries, the democratic countries, and these autocracies, and if your guy gets in, we are going to be on the wrong side of this one.

KELLY: Ok. If my guy gets in, I think we will go back to the time when he was president, which is the only time we did not start a war…Putin did not invade Ukraine until Biden took over.

We had the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, which projected weakness throughout the world. People understood we were feeble; weakness is provocative.

Trump destabilized these people; they didn’t know what to expect from him…

MAHER: It’s what he might do to us that I’m more worried about.

KELLY: We had four years of Trump. Trump did not go after his political enemies with the DOJ. That was Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

MAHER: Well, we had Hitler in the 30s and things were okay, and then we had Hitler in the 40s, and they got way worse. Just because we had him…

KELLY: Oh, I see; he hid his Hitlerism the first four years and is going to come out in full force the second four years.

MAHER: Well, he tried to do things like that. He tried to do dictatorial fascist things, and he was stopped.

KELLY: Joe Biden has flouted the law when it comes to these student loan giveaway programs.

MAHER: Really, you’re talking about…

KELLY: He’s flouted the law, Supreme Court opinions that openly told him he didn’t have the right to do it, and he openly said, “I will get around the Supreme Court.” He did it with respect to rent abatement programs, the same exact thing, and then he and Kamala Harris unleashed this Department of Justice against their political enemy, Donald Trump, their number one chief rival for the presidency. Is it funny? Because they did it. You want to talk fascism? That’s fascist.

MAHER: I don’t think history is going to be kind to your point of view, but I appreciate you coming on again.

The post PURE BRILLIANCE: Megyn Kelly Completely Demolishes Bill Maher When He Calls Trump a Fascist and Repeatedly Compares Him to Adolf Hitler (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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