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Payton McNabb

On Friday Payton McNabb spoke to reporters for the first time.

Payton suffered severe injuries after a trans player smashed her in the face with a spiked ball.

Payton told reporters on Friday she suffered a concussion and neck injuries and has trouble with her memory today after the assault.

She wants trans male players banned from women’s sports so girls suffer no more injuries.

NCAA Swimmer Riley Gaines was at the press conference with Payton on Friday.

Watch the clip of Payton McNabb getting spiked in the face by a male competing with the women. Then watch her testimony she gave today for the first time publicly. I was honored to stand alongside her in NC to continue the fight to protect women’s sports.

— Riley Gaines (@Riley_Gaines_) April 20, 2023

The post NC Volleyball Player Speaks Out after Trans Player Spiked Her in the Face Causing Concussion, Major Neck Injury, and Learning Disability (VIDEO) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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