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Former first lady Michelle Obama played the overused race card on her new podcast while recounting how furious she was during the January 2017 inauguration of former President Donald Trump.

“To sit on that stage and watch the opposite of what we represented on display — there was no diversity, there was no color on that stage,” she said Tuesday in a clip from “Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast.”

“There was no reflection of the broader sense of America,” Obama said.

The wife of former President Barack Obama said she was in a bad mood that day and could not hide her irritation during the live, televised event.

“Many people took pictures of me and they’re like, ‘You weren’t in a good mood?’ No, I was not,” she recalled. “But you had to hold it together like you do for eight years.”

This vacuous observation underscores that leftists obsessively view people through the divisive prism of race instead of seeing others as individuals.

The former first lady then took a petty jab at Trump, suggesting the crowd size at his inauguration was small.

“You walk through the Capitol. You wave goodbye. You get on Marine One and you take your last flight off flying over the Capitol, where there weren’t that many people there,” she snarked. “We saw it, by the way.”

For reference, this is the woman who laughably claimed that the left always takes the high road.

“Our motto is: When they go low, we go high,” Obama said at the 2016 Democratic National Convention.

As a typical liberal hypocrite, the former first lady does not appear to practice what she preaches.

As a reminder, Trump’s inauguration was marred by violent left-wing protests. It’s logical to assume that these terrifying disruptions inhibited many people from attending the event.

A group of about 500 black-clad activists marched through the capital, with some smashing windows to protest President Trump’s inauguration.

— AJ+ (@ajplus) January 20, 2017

At least 95 arrested, limousine set on fire in post-Inauguration Trump protests

— Variety (@Variety) January 20, 2017

Obama also said she cried maniacally once the doors to Air Force One closed for the last time.

“When those doors shut, I cried for 30 minutes straight, uncontrollable sobbing, because that’s how much we were holding it together for eight years,” she recounted.

If Obama was enraged at Trump’s inauguration, she might have an inkling of how millions of Americans felt when Joe Biden was installed as president — and how many of us continue to feel every day amid skyrocketing inflation and soaring crime.

Besides, is crowd size really a metric that Michelle Obama wants to use to mock Trump?

Is the Biden administration incompetent?

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In 2020, Barack Obama drew minuscule crowds while campaigning for then-candidate Biden in the Democratic stronghold of Philadelphia.

Shocking videos showed Obama speaking to a tiny group while stumping for his former vice president.

This is embarrassing

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 22, 2020

Obama walks up to a group of Biden supports and they don’t seem very enthusiastic. Neither does Barry.

— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 21, 2020

At the time, the 44th president campaigned in the liberal city to turn out the black vote. But the attendees at one sidewalk stop were mostly white — and some of them appeared to be campaign workers. D’oh!

The post Michelle Obama’s Complaint About Trump’s Inauguration Shows Exactly What’s Wrong with the Left appeared first on The Western Journal.

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