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Well, one Miami Dolphin’s player just rocked the NFL with his tweet. He’s one of the top cornerbacks in the league, and he suddenly and rather abruptly appears to have decided to end his career today. He’s seems to be retiring, and it caught everyone by surprise. And on top of the shock regarding the his seeming retirement, he also issued a very ominous and chilling warning, that sounded like he was referencing the vaccine.

Needless to say, the tweets are somewhat cryptic, but at the same time, seems very obvious what he’s doing.

Byron Jones, a former All-Pro and Pro Bowler, took to Twitter, where he wrote two very powerful tweets. In the set of tweets that said that he could no longer “run or jump,” and then he  implied he was leaving the game, and followed up with a really chilling warning.

Here’s what Byron said in a tweet: “Much has changed in 8 years. Today I can’t run or jump because of my injuries sustained playing this game. DO NOT take the pills they give you. DO NOT take the injections they give you. If you absolutely must, consult an outside doctor to learn the long-term implications.”

“It was an honor and privilege to play in the NFL but it came at a regrettable cost I did not foresee. In my opinion, no amount of professional success or financial gain is worth avoidable chronic pain and disabilities. Godspeed to the draft class of 2023.”

That definitely sounds like a “farewell” and that also sounds exactly like the vaccine.

Much has changed in 8 years. Today I can’t run or jump because of my injuries sustained playing this game. DO NOT take the pills they give you. DO NOT take the injections they give you. If you absolutely must, consult an outside doctor to learn the long-term implications.

— Byron Jones (@TheByronJones) February 25, 2023

Well, I don’t think it takes a rocket scientist to figure out what he meant by “the injections” they give you.

We’ve heard over and over again that behind the scenes many football player are very worried – rightfully so – about their hearts.

Sounds like that “fear” is what drove some of that message in the tweet, and it’s scary, but glad to see he’s speaking up. Let’s home more do the same.

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