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An Argentinian mom and her lesbian partner have been sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole after being convicted of aggravated homicide in the November 2021 beating death of 5-year-old Lucio Dupuy.

Magdalena Espósito Valenti, the boy’s biological mother, and her partner, Abigail Páez, received the maximum penalty allowed under the law in Argentina amid allegations of “seriously outrageous sexual abuse” and violence against the child, the Bueno Aires Times reported Feb. 17.

Prosecutor Verónica Ferrero confirmed that both defendants will spend the rest of their lives in jail.

“It is a life sentence,” Ferrero said. “They have no possibility of release. They cannot ask for parole after any term has passed.”

A three-judge panel convicted Páez of aggravated homicide as well as sexual abuse for sodomizing her partner’s 5-year-old boy with an object.

The boy’s mother, Valenti, was also found guilty of aggravated homicide but was found not guilty of sexual abuse.

Mother Magdalena Espósito Valenti, and her partner, Abigail Páez, were last week sentenced to life imprisonment for killing of five-year-old Lucio Dupuy.

— Buenos Aires Times (@theBAtimes) February 19, 2023

The judges determined that both defendants committed the heinous murder intentionally, with malice aforethought, after psychiatric examinations indicated the lesbian couple knew the difference between right and wrong.

Valenti “shows no signs or symptoms of any psychotic pathology or of having suffered from it in recent times (dementia in the legal sense), concluding that she understands the criminality of her acts and can direct her actions,” the judges wrote, according to the Times.

Meanwhile, Páez “has clear notions of right and wrong, just and unjust, lawful and unlawful, knows that the alleged act constitutes a crime and knows the responsibilities that would correspond to her; that is, she understands the criminality of her acts and can direct her actions,” the ruling said.

The victim’s grandfather, Ramón Dupuy, petitioned the court to also charge the lesbian couple with gender hatred.

“Lucio was killed for being a boy,” he told reporters. “There is evidence that Lucito was killed for being male.”

The life sentences ignited a flurry of Twitter responses, with many saying the punishment was not harsh enough,

They got off easy!!!

— Z (@Zclove2bme) February 25, 2023

Unless they feel the suffering this young child felt, justice has not been served.

— Chet Bo (@ChetBo3) February 25, 2023

Life is easy! They aren’t suffering and get to live. WHAT OF THE SCARED AND TORTURED YOUNG BOY??

— MummyMD (@UoKnowsBest) February 25, 2023

This sickening child abuse comes after a similar horrifying case in the United States, where a Georgia-based homosexual couple has been charged with sexually abusing and pimping out their adopted sons to local pedophiles.

In addition to allegedly raping the adopted boys, the gay-activist duo also filmed and distributed “homemade” child porn videos chronicling their sexual abuse, according to authorities.

Recorded jailhouse calls with the accused child rapists and testimony from a family member uncover the extent of the trauma that the two brothers endured as well as the red flags that the state overlooked during the same-sex couple’s “faster than expected” adoption process.

— Mia Cathell (@MiaCathell) January 17, 2023

The appalling case has sent shock waves around the nation and the world, spotlighting the depravity and moral bankruptcy of some deranged individuals.

What’s especially disturbing is when parents — whether biological or adoptive — abuse the very children who depend on them for protection.

The post Lesbian Couple Sentenced to Life After Murder, ‘Seriously Outrageous Sexual Abuse’ of Boy, 5 appeared first on The Western Journal.

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