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CNN resident chauvinist Don Lemon’s ratings-challenged morning show has been given a shot in the arm as it struggles to court viewers.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, network executives have brought in two new producers to get “CNN This Morning” off the ground. In spite of having been on the air for months, the show is not competitive against its cable rivals Fox News and MSNBC.

The show is the network’s lowest-rated morning show in a decade, and was only briefly relevant last month after Lemon classified women over a certain age as being past their “prime.”

In an attempt to challenge Republican presidential hopeful Nikki Haley’s assertion the country’s leaders are too old last month, Lemon made sexist comments that were astounding — even for someone cable news audiences don’t expect much out by way of insight.

“This whole talk about age makes me uncomfortable,” Lemon said of Haley’s comments about elected officials over the age of 75. “I think it’s the wrong road to go down.”

The host then implied Haley, who is 51, is headed into her twilight years, along with every other woman in her age group.

“She says people, you know, politicians or something are not in their prime,” Lemon added. “Nikki Haley isn’t in her prime. Sorry. When a woman is considered to be in her prime — in her 20s and 30s and maybe 40s.”

Maybe her forties, the host said.

He cited Google as a source for his argument and went on his merry way.

The comments drew the ire of women everywhere and Lemon, who himself is 57, went away for a few days.

After agreeing to mandatory training, he was back on the “CNN This Morning” desk the following week. He has reportedly been sulking around the office since.

But things are still not clicking.

The Hollywood Reporter excessively reported on Monday that veteran TV producers Lauren Mensch and Chris Russell have been enlisted to help and will try and drag the show out of irrelevancy.

Both have impressive resumes, so the move makes sense.

But in evaluating Mensch’s background, a potential glaring issue popped up.

The former executive producer of “CNN Newsroom” with hosts Alisyn Camerota and Victor Blackwell started college at the University of Pennsylvania in 1997.

If Mensch began her collegiate career in 1997, she likely graduated from high school earlier that year – meaning she is in her mid-forties.

According to Lemon’s previous comments, his new producer is close to being out of her prime — if she’s not already ready for residency in a retirement home.

Russell is a man, so using the logic Lemon shared to denigrate women last month, the former NewsNation producer seemingly has no expiration date.

Time will tell if Lemon’s apparent issues with women will translate into hostilities toward Mensch — or vice versa.

The post Lemon’s Failed Morning Show Given New Executive Producer – Just Wait Until He Finds Out Her Age appeared first on The Western Journal.

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