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Do you remember Nina Jankowicz? She is the progressive lunatic that the Biden administration tried to quietly install as the head of a ‘disinformation board’ at the Department of Homeland Security.

Now she is trying to use crowdfunding to sue FOX News for allegedly telling lies about her.

She seems like a normal and balanced person, doesn’t she?

RedState reports:

‘Scary Poppins’ Nina Jankowicz Is Crowdfunding to Sue Fox News

In the “Dying for Attention,” category, we have former “Disinformation” Czarina Nina Jankowicz mounting a crowdfund campaign. Her goal? To raise $100,000 so she can sue Fox News for their, “Malicious, reckless lies about me.”

Since resigning from the Department of Homeland Security’s Disinformation Governance Board, it appears Jankowicz has too much time on her hands.

You know that GoFundMe will probably not take this campaign down, as opposed to the funds mounted for Kyle Rittenhouse and the Trucker Freedom Convoy.

Go figure.

Jankowicz has toned down her over-the-top image. No catchy lyrics to Disney tunes, no Broadway bombast. No, Jankowicz has rehabbed her demeanor, playing the subdued innocent who was done wrong. Declaring that after working against disinformation on “both sides of the aisle,” she had finally landed her “Dream Job:” assisting the government in ensuring that information flowing across social media was “grounded in American values.”

Yeah, sure Jan. RedState’s reporting, along with other outlets (not just Fox News) shows Jankowicz is not only a liar, but a very bad actress.

She really seems to want attention.

Nina Jankowicz is now planning to sue Americans exercising their rights to Free Speech and Free Press for the crime of criticizing the federal government she worked for

This is exactly why the 1st Amendment exists

To criticize cheap tyrants like her

— DC_Draino (@DC_Draino) March 3, 2023

Never forget that Nina Jankowicz is an absolute tyrannical lunatic.

— goomba (@o____principe) March 3, 2023

It’s just stunning that this person could have been employed at the DHS.

The post Left Wing Loon Nina Jankowicz Launches Crowfunding Effort to Sue FOX News appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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