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The Kevin Spacey trial, held at London’s Southwark Crown Court, is entering its third week. On this Monday (July 10th), one of his accusers said he believes that the Academy Award winner may have drugged him on his flat in London, before performing oral sex on the man while he was passed out.

The man – who can’t be named under UK law – reportedly broke down in tears during his police interview, a video of which was played in Court. He told the policemen that ‘he had been told before the meeting that Spacey liked young straight men, but did not know at that point he was a predator’.

The Guardian reported:

“The man said he felt vulnerable during the alleged assault because of Spacey’s power in the theatre world. He said: ‘You don’t want to annoy someone that powerful, that high up in the business you are trying to break into. The social sway he had was massive. If he said someone wasn’t going to work, I imagine they wouldn’t work’.

He said he came forward in the wake of the #MeToo movement, telling the police officer: ‘I said when the Harvey Weinstein thing happened something will happen in the next few weeks with Kevin Spacey’.”

Spacey is on trial on a dozen charges of sex offenses against four different men, happened between 2001 and 2013, while the actor was Artistic Director of the Old Vic theater. He denies all charges.

On Monday, the court heard his accuser say that he met Spacey in 2008 after writing him asking for advice about his acting career. He went on a walk with Spacey and his dog and proceeded to go up to Spacey’s flat.

“He said Spacey offered him leftover pizza and the pair drank beers and smoked weed. He said soon after, Spacey asked him for a hug before nuzzling his head into his crotch. ‘He’s rubbing his face into my crotch and I remember putting my hands up and seeing Kevin Spacey’s bald patch. I remember thinking this is so weird’, the man said.”

The man said there was an ‘uncomfortable air’ and that his memory became hazy.

Variety reported:

After he went over to sit by Spacey the actor began ‘rubbing his face into my crotch’, the complainant said. He lifted up Spacey’s head and tried to distract him by asking whether a model train in the room had come from ‘Superman Returns’, in which Spacey had starred. He continued trying to distract him by asking about various actors and at one point asked if he could go on the balcony to have a cigarette, to which Spacey said ‘no’ because there’d be ‘plenty of time for that later’.”

At some point, the alleged victim said, he fell asleep, which ‘isn’t something I’d normally do’, he told police. The man added that he didn’t want to ‘wildly insinuate” but it was “unusual behaviour to just conk out’.”

The man reacted by saying ‘no’ and pushed Spacey off. Spacey] stopped and asked me to leave straight away, saying he shouldn’t talk to anyone about what had happened.

After the jury saw the police interview, Spacey’s lawyer Patrick Gibbs did his cross-examination, while the accuser answered it behind a curtain.

Reuters reported:

“Giving evidence in person behind a screen, the man denied suggestions by [defense attorney] Gibbs that he consented and said he ‘fell asleep or, I believe, (was) drugged’ before the sex.

[…] ‘I was made to feel like I was being circled by a shark’. He also described Spacey as ‘atrocious, despicable (and) disgusting’.

Pressed by defense counsel, the man was adamant: ‘Nothing happened that was consensual’.

“Gibbs also said the man texted Spacey shortly after the alleged assault. The complainant said he wanted to record Spacey admitting what had happened, but they did not meet again.”

The post Kevin Spacey Trial, Week 3: Accuser Says Disgraced Star May Have Drugged Him Before Performing Sexual Act While He Was Passed Out appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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