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Maricopa County Election Director Rey Valenzuela testifies in Lake trial on May 17, 18, and 19, 2023

Corrupt Maricopa County requested Sanctions and Attorneys’ Fees against Kari Lake and her attorneys on Wednesday, claiming they “repeatedly made demonstrably false statements” before and during their remanded trial. 

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson dismissed Kari Lake’s lawsuit against the stolen 2022 Midterm Election late Monday night, following a three-day trial exposing election misconduct and fraudulent mail-in ballot signature verification.

Sanctioning is the tactic we have seen from Maricopa County and other fraudulently elected officials to stop election-related challenges dead in their tracks and “send a message” to or intimidate attorneys. This is all in the interest of the government ruling as the supreme authority on elections and suppressing the rights of citizens to constitutionally redress grievances.

The Gateway Pundit reported that Kari Lake plans to appeal the bogus ruling. Lake said in a recent press conference she will “continue pushing our case to the United States Supreme Court.”

JUST-IN: Kari Lake Announces She Will Continue Fighting Stolen Election Case “to The US SUPREME COURT” – Will Launch “The Largest, Most Extensive Ballot Chasing Operation in Our State’s History” (VIDEO)

They do not want to see Lake file an appeal and potentially overrule the trial court in a higher court. They are simply attempting to intimidate Lake and discredit her attorneys again.

The Gateway Pundit reported that just before Kari Lake’s historic trial in December that corrupt Obama Judge John Tuchi in Arizona ruled in favor of the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and sanctioned Kari Lake and Mark Finchem for exercising their right to petition Maricopa County’s procedures before the election. Tuchi waited close to five months, from July until after the General Election was stolen, to do this.

Tuchi even admitted that this order was intended to “send a message” to those who file what he considers “baseless” lawsuits in the future.

Lake and Finchem were proven right in arguing that voting machines are “potentially unsecure, lack adequate audit capacity, fail to meet minimum statutory requirements, and deprive voters of the right to have their votes counted and reported in an accurate, auditable, legal, and transparent process.” when the machines failed at 60% of voting locations on election day. But this didn’t matter; it was about shutting them up and stopping Lake’s historic lawsuit. That’s why Tuchi waited nearly five months to rule on the sanctions.

More recently, The Arizona Supreme Court sanctioned Lake’s attorneys and ordered her to pay $2,000 to the Court. According to many legal experts, this is a joke of a sanction and should not be taken seriously. However, the County uses this against Lake by stating “ethical parties would have been suitably admonished” by this minuscule monetary sanction and claiming that they “engaged in a program of intentional and repeated fallacious misstatements of fact to mislead this Court.”

Judge Peter Thompson previously denied sanctions and legal fees following the first trial in Kari Lake’s lawsuit last December. Katie Hobbs and Maricopa County sought over $600,000 to bankrupt Kari Lake’s legal fund and discourage another election lawsuit from ever going to trial.

Most of the “misrepresentations” alleged by Maricopa County in their latest request related to Lake’s attorneys’ Motion for Relief from Judgement prior to trial and asking the Court to vacate its dismissal of Counts II, V, and VI. Only one point was made alleging that Lake’s signature verification fraud claim was “frivolous,” where Maricopa County claimed that Lake’s whistleblowers “confirmed that signature verification occurred.”

They did not even mention the claim by Lake’s attorneys that approximately 274,000 ballot signatures were compared and verified in less than three seconds because it is true! Maricopa County’s own log file data proves this, and they know it.

Instead, they focused on claims that Thompson did not allow to be reconsidered at trial, despite new evidence that came to light. In doing this, they claim that Lake’s attorneys “intentionally misstated the content of Scott Jarrett’s prior testimony” in their Motion for Relief from Judgement and that “the McGregor Report did nothing to establish that any of Jarrett’s testimony was fraudulent.” 

The Gateway Pundit reported on the testimony where Scott Jarrett likely lied in court on December 21st, stating he did not have a clue how 19-inch ballot images could be printed on a 20-inch paper. The next day, Jarrett changed his testimony to state that he learned of a fit-to-paper issue “a few days after Election Day” that printed “a slightly smaller image of a 20-inch image on a 20-inch paper ballot.

Former Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor’s election investigation report concluded that printing of misconfigured ballots was “random” and that “none of the technical people with whom we spoke could explain how or why that error occurred.” However, Jarrett’s testimony asserted that the County’s root cause analysis discovered a “fit to print” or fit to paper issue caused by temporary technicians at just three voting locations. McGregor concluded, “we could not determine whether this change resulted from a technician attempting to correct the printing issues, the most probable source of change, or a problem internal to the printers.”

This does not quite align with the testimony by Jarrett that only three locations were affected. Additionally, newly available records show that Maricopa County began “secret” Logic and Accuracy testing on October 14th for at least two voting locations in Chandler, Arizona, and the legally required public notice was not given.

The Gateway Pundit reported on the statements by Lake’s attorneys at an Oral Argument hearing alleging that Maricopa County installed malware on the voting machines during these tests and “rigged” the election.

Lakes attorneys did not misrepresent or misstate Jarrett’s testimony in their arguments. They simply pointed out his possible lies on the witness stand and the conflicts between his testimony and Maricopa County’s sham “independent report” by Ruth McGregor.

The judge did even not allow this claim to proceed to trial or the new evidence to be introduced. Still, the County contends that “Lake’s counsel falsely claimed at oral argument that ‘the election was rigged.’ Lake and her counsel then failed to introduce any evidence during the three day trial to support this wrongful statement.” They further argue that the term “rigged” is “heinous and profoundly harmful.”

Leftist Hack Brahm Resnik tweeted, celebrating the request for sanctions and attempting to discredit the attorneys by noting that it would be their “3rd set of sanctions against Lake lawyers in election-related lawsuits.”

Kari Lake’s War Room account responded to Brahm’s tweet, calling him out for “los[ing] his composure” and lashing out at Kari Lake yesterday at her press conference. “You make sh*t up!” Brahm yelled at Kari in front of women and children during her press conference.


Remember when you completely lost your composure in front of a group of women and children today because @KariLake called you out on your relentless stream of BS?

You’re an activist. Not a journalist.

— Kari Lake War Room (@KariLakeWarRoom) May 24, 2023

Read Maricopa County’s Motion for Sanctions below:

CV2022095403 Maricopa County Sanctions by Jordan Conradson on Scribd

The post JUST-IN: Maricopa County Attorneys Seek More Bogus Sanctions Against Kari Lake – Do NOT Cite Claim of 274,000 Ballot Signatures Approved in LESS THAN 3 Seconds Each appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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