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On Monday, Joe Biden traveled to Ukraine. Not to be outdone on foreign travel, First Lady Jill Biden is now departing for a trip to Africa.

Neither of them have visited Ohio or even said any comforting words for the Americans who are suffering there.

It’s important to remember that none of this is happening by accident. These trips are being made by deliberate choices.

The Associated Press reports:

Jill Biden heads to Namibia, Kenya; part of US-Africa push

Jill Biden headed for Africa on Tuesday, first stop Namibia, declaring as she departed Washington that she had “a lot to accomplish” during a five-day visit focused on empowering women and young people and addressing food insecurity.

The first lady’s visit to Namibia and Kenya is part of a push by the United States to step up engagement with Africa as a counterweight to China’s influence on the continent.

Biden, who teaches English and writing at a community college, said she dashed home from class with only an hour to spare before she needed to depart on the trip. She headed out a day before her husband gets back from his surprise trip to Ukraine and a scheduled visit to Poland.

“This whole trip will be exciting and we have a lot to accomplish,” she said.

Granddaughter Naomi Biden is accompanying the first lady on the trip.

President Joe Biden told African leaders who came to Washington for a summit last year that the U.S. is “all in” on the continent’s future and announced that he, his wife, the vice president and several members of his Cabinet would travel to Africa this year. He joked that the leaders would get tired of hosting everyone.

Watch the video below where Jill is preparing to depart and note how chummy the reporters are with her:

EARLIER: First Lady Jill Biden speaks to reporters before boarding airplane for her trip to the continent of Africa.

— The Hill (@thehill) February 22, 2023

An environmental disaster is unfolding in Ohio and neither the president nor his wife have visited or even commented on the situation. In fact, they’re both jetting off to foreign lands in the same week.

And no one in the press even asks them about this.

The post Jill Biden Departs for Trip to Africa as People in East Palestine, OH Continue to Suffer appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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