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An IRS whistleblower is warning the Washington Post that its silence on a key issue makes the paper complicit in Hunter Biden’s wrongdoing, but thus far the paper is refusing to report the truth.

Hunter Biden’s attorneys have accused whistleblower Gary Shapley of illegally leaking insider information about Hunter’s wrongdoing to the paper used in its October 2022 story titled, “Federal agents see chargeable tax, gun-purchase case against Hunter Biden,” according to Just the News.

Biden attorney Abbe Lowell has been claiming that Shapley provided “illegal leaks” of government information and attacked the whistleblowers and saying they “may be claiming that title [of whistleblower] in an attempt to evade their own misconduct” as part of “an obvious ploy to feed the misinformation campaign to harm our client, Hunter Biden, as a vehicle to attack his father.”

But Shapley says he was never in contact with the Post at all and has demanded that the paper speak up and confirm that he was not their source.

His attorney, Empower Oversight President Tristan Leavitt, is calling on the paper to come clean.

“Other than saying, ‘We don’t comment on sources,’ they haven’t said anything so far,” Leavitt told Just the News.

Leavitt also had a warning to the paper about besmirching the whistleblowers.

“And if they don’t do anything, they’re simply being accessories to the Hunter Biden legal defense,” he insisted.

Leavitt has also sent a formal letter to the paper, saying, “Biden family attorneys have falsely accused SSA Shapley of illegally leaking to you,” the letter read. “Shapley was not a source for you on that story, or any other story for that matter.”

“It would be nice if you would publicly affirm that truth, and avoid becoming, through your silence, an accomplice in the media spreading false narratives dreamed up by Biden family attorneys to intimidate and silence lawful whistleblowers like SSA Shapley,” the letter added, according to Fox News.

One would think this would be a no-brainer for a paper with the slogan “Democracy dies in the darkness.”

If Shapley is lying and the paper does have proof he provided them with info, it would be a slam dunk for them to say so to give their usual editorial aid to Democrats. On the other hand, if it has proof that Shapley was not one of its sources for the story, they should reveal that so they can satisfy their pious proclamation that they bring “light” to the very democracy they claim to be guarding.

Silence, though, simply makes them look like partisan liars.

It isn’t surprising that the biased paper is not keen on proving that Shapley is not a liar and did not provide any “illegal leaks” to the Post. After all, he has a lot of serious allegations in play.

Shapley testified to Congress in May and told officials that the Department of Justice conspired to shield Hunter Biden from a criminal probe.

The whistleblower, who has been with the agency for 14 years, said he believed it was his duty to draw attention to the probe and said prosecutors were mishandling “a high profile, controversial” case.

Shapley also told CBS News last month that he was prevented from investigating Hunter Biden’s money trails involving his “dad” or “the big guy.”

“There were multiple steps that were slow-walked — were just completely not done — at the direction of the Department of Justice,” Shapley told CBS News. “When I took control of this particular investigation, I immediately saw deviations from the normal process.

“It was way outside the norm of what I’ve experienced in the past.”

If the U.S. Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service actually did put up barriers to protect Joe Biden from investigations into criminal behavior, this is far bigger than Watergate ever was and is probably one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history.

Why wouldn’t the Post want to be part of this story? Because it redounds badly on Joe Biden and the Washington Post is all about safeguarding Democrats, not reporting the truth.

The post IRS Whistleblower’s Attorney Targets Washington Post, Says Paper Will Be an Accessory to Hunter Biden Unless It Comes Clean appeared first on The Western Journal.

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