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Barron Trump for president in 2044? On Monday, we came one year closer to it happening.

If you want to feel a little bit older today, that’s when the president’s youngest son turned 17 — 18 years away from the minimum age for the presidency.

And as for casting a vote for president, that’ll be as soon as next year. Not to engage in idle speculation, but I don’t think he’s going to be checking the box for Nikki Haley.

Seventeen is still a big birthday, however. After all, that’s driver’s license age in many states (although he’s already been eligible for a year in Florida, his father’s state of residency), and it’s plenty of reason for supporters of Donald Trump to have raised a glass to the youngest son of our 45th president (nonalcoholic, of course — he’s still under 21, after all).

Barron, born March 20, 2006, has grown up quite a bit over the years — so much so that even this picture of Barron and his dad tweeted by ACT for America president Brigitte Gabriel is a bit out of date:

Happy 17th Birthday to America’s First Son, Barron Trump!

— Brigitte Gabriel (@ACTBrigitte) March 20, 2023

As you can see from this video from his father’s November 2022 announcement he was again seeking the presidency, Barron is quite the tall young lad these days — taller than both his parents.

Barron Trump is an absolute unit

— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) November 16, 2022

How tall is Barron now? He’s got to be around 6’8″.

I thought he was some giant secret service dude at first!

— Golden Advice (@RichardStiller4) November 16, 2022

In 2021, the New York Post reported that Barron stood at 6 feet 7, calling him the “newest Trump Tower.”

Newest Trump Tower: Barron shows off his 6-foot-7 height in NYC

— New York Post (@nypost) July 8, 2021

As a 2022 Town & Country profile noted, “While Barron’s official height isn’t publicly available, photos show he is as tall as (not taller than) the 6’2” President Trump. His mother Melania is 5’11″ (without her ever-present heels), and has been for years.”

For Trump followers, the moment was poignant, given the fact Barron has grown up in the spotlight. He’s certainly a lot taller than he was here:

Barron Trump celebrates his 17th today. Happy Birthday!

— Famous Birthdays (@FamousBirthdays) March 20, 2023

Happy Birthday to Barron Trump who is 17 today. And somewhat taller.

— Doug Ibendahl (@DougIbendahl) March 20, 2023

He’s also been getting a lot of fatherly advice from a young age. Here’s Donald telling Barron to get all A’s, to stay away from drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes; and to avoid tattoos as well.

Barron Trump turned 17 today. Here he is with his father years ago.

45: “I want all As. And when you get older, no drugs. No alcohol. No cigarettes. And, you know what else? No tattoos. I don’t ever want to see tattoos on you.”

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 20, 2023

I can’t claim to have been present for any of Barron Trump’s private life, but it certainly seems to have worked out well enough. He made it through an eventful four years in the White House, not infrequently being seen in public with the then-president and first lady.

And the presidential son certainly garnered his share of birthday wishes Monday:

Happy Birthday Barron Trump!

— B (@TheBarronTrump1) March 20, 2023

Happy 17th birthday, Barron Trump!

— Kathy Ultra MAGA (@TrumpPatriot68) March 20, 2023

Happy 17th Birthday to Barron

— Citizen Free Press (@CitizenFreePres) March 20, 2023

So: Barron Trump for president in 2044?

A lot is possible before the first election where he would be eligible to run for the nation’s highest office, but I wouldn’t necessarily count on it. As Town & Country noted in July: “Unlike his older half-siblings, Barron Trump, who turned 16 earlier this year, stays (for the most part) out of the spotlight.”

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His mom Melania, meanwhile, said in 2018 that her son was “all into sports” and not the social media type.

But hey, things can change. Who would have thought there would be a President Trump, period?

With the internet rallying around Barron’s 17th birthday, maybe he can put that popularity to some good political use.

After all, at 6 feet 7, he’d easily be the tallest president — with at least three inches more ground clearance than Abraham Lincoln.

And at 17, there’s always room to grow — both in height and in interests.

Here’s to many more happy returns, Barron. Perhaps even a Trump return to the White House — if not in 2025, as The Donald’s fans are hoping, then in 2045?

As father-son White House dynasties go, it certainly sounds a bit more plausible than the U.S. Marine Band playing “Hail to the Chief” as Hunter Biden stumbles down the stairs of Air Force One, after all.

The post Internet Rallies Around Barron Trump as 45’s Youngest Marks a New Year appeared first on The Western Journal.

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