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On February 24, 2023, Next News Network, a channel with over 2 million subscribers and 1.7 billion views was informed by YouTube that their channel was no longer eligible for monetization due to a violation of the platform’s “Harmful Content” rules.

Although no particular video was identified as the offensive content, Next News Network is challenging this decision and has filed an appeal in hopes of reversing YouTube’s stance. As of now, the verdict is still pending and Next News Network awaits further communication from YouTube.

In response, immediately upon learning of this drastically impacting decision, Gary Franchi, the channel’s founder, released a video addressed to his viewers notifying them of the event imploring them to join him in prayer as he faced the situation and “gave it to God.”


Franchi has always poured his energy into running a successful news operation, but he realized that, with the ever-changing media landscape, it would be difficult to sustain it without outside help.

Understanding his need, Franchi took the initiative and asked his supporters to step in if they felt ‘led’ to do so; this appeal for assistance came in the form of asking them to give what resources or funds they could.

While it is not clear whether enough support will be offered in response to Franchi’s request, he hopes that those passionate about high quality journalism will embrace the opportunity and make their contribution toward maintaining a reliable source of news.

Franchi’s plea to the public for financial help resulted in an overwhelming response from people all over the world. After hearing his story, many sympathized and showed their support generously. This resulted in a massive global fundraiser with over $92,000 being donated so far.

The outpouring of support for Franchi’s call to action has been immediate and resounding. On twitter, many notable figures have joined in, including Donald Trump Jr.’s fiancé, Kimberly Guilfoyle and We are Change founder Luke Rudkowski.

Next news network founder cries on air as conservative channel demonetized

— Kimberly Guilfoyle (@kimguilfoyle) February 28, 2023

Project Veritas Whistleblowers Zach Vorhies and Ivory Hecker an Independent journalist, and , and Elijah Schaffer from Slightly Offensive. With so many influential individuals speaking up in his defense, Franchi’s campaign for justice has gained huge momentum across the country.

CENSORSHIP: YouTube is attacking Next News Network

A conservative news channel with over 2,000,000 subscribers

Completely demonetizing them on false grounds. This is a targeted attack to punish them for pushing the truth. Reasons are bogus. Support below

— E (@ElijahSchaffer) February 27, 2023

In the wake of tremendous support, Franchi is sharing an encouraging update on his battle against corporate pressure.

Although this is a good sign that prayer can indeed be answered, Franchi is making sure to emphasize that the fight is far from over and more help is desperately needed in order to ensure truth-telling remains free and uncensored in journalism.

His heartfelt plea for further assistance only illustrates how much he cares about this issue, ensuring that all voices and perspectives can be heard through responsible media reporting.
Seen here:

When discussing why he started the YouTube channel Next News Network, Franchi remarked on how the media and Ron Paul’s own political party treated him during the 2012 election. Franchi promised himself never to let this kind of thing happen again and decided to create a platform using free press to support his desired presidential candidate in 2016. To his satisfaction, Next News Network was successful and contributed greatly to the eventual victory of Donald J. Trump in the 2016 election.

Gary Franchi, with the goal of preserving the free press in an online world, created the Next News Network. Through his hard work and commitment, he has made it possible for millions of Americans and viewers around the world to receive reliable news and updates about what is happening in their respective communities. An integral part of the conservative community, Franchi stands as a beacon of selflessness in creating answers to society’s problems through empowering solutions.


Next News Network Founder Cries on Air as Conservative Channel Demonetized

The “Next News Network” Becomes 1st Conservative News YouTube Channel to Surpass One Billion Views

The post ‘Harmful Content’ – Did YouTube Go Too Far? Next News Network Fights Demonetization! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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