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January 6 political prisoner Jacob Chansley, a.k.a. the “QAnon Shaman,” is finally a free man!

The Gateway Pundit recently reported that Jake was released from prison to a halfway house and was spotted at a halfway house following his prison release.

Chansley’s mother, Martha Chansley, told TGP’s Jordan Conradson in an interview before his release that she was expecting her son to be released from prison soon.

Conradson previously spoke to Chansley in 2021 from the Alexandria Detention Center in Virginia.

The Gateway Pundit has reported extensively on innocent Jake Chansley, a January 6 political prisoner and the victim of an intense leftwing smear campaign.

Jacob Chansley did not commit any violence. Jacob Chansley told others to act peacefully. Jacob Chansley said a prayer in the US Capitol and was escorted through the US Capitol by police officers. He was a prisoner of the government’s war on Trump supporters.

BREAKING: Tucker Carlson Releases Video Showing Capitol Police Escorting Jacob Chansley “QAnon Shaman” Peacefully Through the Capitol (VIDEO)

However, Jake is standing strong with the Christ-like spirit of forgiveness. In a new monologue released this morning, Jacob Chansley forgives his captors, the United States government. “I pray for them because that is what Christ would do,” said Jake. He further assures the world that “the truth of global corruption is simply becoming more obvious.”

Jake Tweeted,

This is Jacob Angeli-Chansley. This is my offical twitter page & my first official statement upon my release from Federal BOP custody. The time is 9:07 AM on the 25th of May 2023. FREEDOM!!!

This is Jacob Angeli-Chansley. This is my offical twitter page & my first official statement upon my release from Federal BOP custody. The time is 9:07 AM on the 25th of May 2023. FREEDOM!!!

— Jake Angeli-Chansley (@americashaman) May 25, 2023

Watch below:

Angeli-Chansley: Hello, United States of America and the world. My name is Jacob Angeli-Chansley, and I would like to start this official statement by thanking God Almighty for protection and blessings along this arduous journey of mine. You know, I once heard that school teaches us lessons and gives us a test, but God gives us a test and teaches us lessons. And to say the least, I most certainly learned numerous lessons during the test, which God has graced me with over the last two and a half years. Now, one of the most important lessons I learned was patience. See, the world is currently going through turmoil, the likes of which many of us were not prepared for by our schools, by our governments, and our cultural upbringing. However, patience is key if we are to overcome the obstacles before us and simultaneously turn them into opportunities for unity, love, and peace. Now, if handled with patience and understanding, we can use these demoralizing and destabilizing crises to emerge a more evolved and stable in moral nation species. Another important lesson I’ve learned along the way is the power of peace and how having an unshakable internal peace is by far the most powerful tool that we have at our immediate disposal. For you see, power is not about the use of external force. Instead, power is derived from having an indomitable will.

If we as individuals and as nations learn to use the power of peace to resolve our conflicts, our lives, and the world will take the shape of a beautiful work of art molded by God’s own hand. Now, another lesson I learned I’d like to share is the strength one gains when one practices forgiveness. Now there are many, many people who would be outraged if what happened to me had happened to them. However, outrage and anger only cloud our judgment and prevent us from seeing the very real solutions which stare us in the face. See, forgiveness alone has the potential to clarify one’s thinking, to unlock one’s creativity, and to enable the individual to heal.

Christ understood the power of forgiveness to free a person’s soul, which I think is why he forgave those nailing him to the cross. So, in the spirit of Christ’s example, I would like to use this official statement to make it extremely clear that I have no animosity or hatred toward the United States federal government, and I have forgiven my captors, and I pray for them because that is what Christ would do.

The final lesson I will share is the power that we each wield when we live by and speak the truth. Speaking the truth can topple corrupt empires and free whole nations that have been enslaved by illusions. The Buddha once said that three things cannot be hidden long: the Sun, the Moon, and truth. And while there are those who will say that things in the world are only getting worse, I assert, things are not getting worse, but rather the truth of global corruption is simply becoming more obvious. Therefore, I encourage all those who are watching this video and hearing these words to use the truth as a tool to shape themselves and the world into a paradise that we can pass on to our children.

So, in summation, the pressures brought about by my journey and my ordeal have only strengthened my resolve and taught me the power that we all possess when we practice patience and forgiveness and when we find internal peace and live by the truth so that we may speak the truth without fear. Therefore, the next part of my journey entails using the power of patience and peace to spread the truth and to do so in the spirit of a Christ-like forgiveness. In closing, Gandhi once said, first they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win. So it seems I’ve already undergone the first three stages of this process. Now, all there’s left to do is win. Remember, knowledge always overcomes power.

Via Forbidden Truth Podcast with Jake Angeli-Chansley, Chadwick, and Marcus.

— Forbidden Truth Podcast (@Truth8Prevails) May 25, 2023

The Gateway Pundit will provide updates on Jake’s release!

The post “FREEDOM!” – “QAnon Shaman” Jake Chansley Released From Halfway House, Speaks Out On His Freedom and The Power of Forgiveness – VIDEO appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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