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Former US Attorney General Bill Barr trashed Donald Trump on Friday and said there is a high probability that he will deliver “chaos” if he returns to the White House in 2024 and that his presidency would be a “horror show.”

“It is a horror show, you know, when… he’s left to his own devices,” Barr told the City Club of Cleveland in Ohio on Friday, Fox News reported.

“If you believe in his policies, what he’s advertising is his policies, he’s the last person who could actually execute them and achieve them,” Barr responded to Geraldo Rivera’s question on whether or not Trump is fit to be president again.

“He does not have the discipline,” Barr answered when asked about Trump being re-elected for his policies.

“He does not have the ability for strategic thinking and linear thinking or setting priorities or how to get things done in the system.”

“And, and so you may want his policies. But Trump will not deliver Trump policies,” Barr added.

“He will deliver chaos, and if anything lead to a backlash that will set his policies much further back than they otherwise would be.”


JUST IN: William Barr claims @realDonaldTrump is unfit to be President. The question was asked by @GeraldoRivera. Some wonder why he accepted a job from the man he now says is not fit to be President. Your reaction.

— Simon Ateba (@simonateba) May 5, 2023

Former Police Commissioner of the NYCPD Bernard Kerik blasted Barr for his remarks against Trump.

“Bill Barr ordered Pennsylvania’s US Attorney not to investigate election fraud/irregularities in 2020. Barr did nothing when the FBI was given a Hunter Biden laptop! Of course, he does not want Trump re-elected,” Kerik tweeted.

Bill Barr ordered Pennsylvania’s US Attorney not to investigate election fraud/irregularities in 2020.

Barr did nothing when the FBI was given a Hunter Biden laptop!

Of course, he does not want Trump re-elected.

— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) May 6, 2023

Mike Davis, the former Chief Counsel for Nominations to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, also weighed in.

Bill Barr is the expert.

He watched BLM and antifa destroy American cities for last 6 months of Trump presidency.

Nightly attacks on Portland federal courthouse.

Attacks on White House.

Torching Secret Service guard station.

And St. John’s Church.

Assaulting U.S. Senator.

— Mike Davis (@mrddmia) May 6, 2023

Barr was the Attorney General of the United States.

He decides who to prosecute.

Garland sent the full force of the Biden DOJ after everyone who trespassed and took Senate selfies on 1/6.

Barr couldn’t even arrest people firebombing a federal courthouse nightly for 6 months.

— Mike Davis (@mrddmia) May 6, 2023


The Gateway Pundit previously reported that the latest Rasmussen poll shows President Trump with a 59% favorability rating with ALL likely voters. This is 11 points better than Joe Biden.

This is a stunning number for President Trump. The lawfare suits and constant fake news attacks are not swaying Americans away from Trump at this point.

Rasmussen reported:

A new national telephone and online survey by Rasmussen Reports and Political Media, Inc., finds that, in a matchup against President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, 51% of Likely U.S. voters would vote for the Trump-DeSantis ticket, compared to 43% for Biden-Harris.

Trump’s eight-point advantage with DeSantis as his running mate is outside the margin of error. In a head-to-head matchup without consideration of vice-presidential candidates, Trump is below 50% and leads Biden by six points, 47% to 41%.

New predictions for 2024 delegates show that Trump will easily beat off DeSantis and the rest of the Republican candidates.

NEW: 2024 Republican Primary Delegate Forecast by @RacetotheWH

Full field:
Trump — 1797
DeSantis — 593

After NV, only Trump and DeSantis:
Trump — 1616
DeSantis — 831

1,234 delegates needed to win the nomination

=Trump, =DeSantis (full field)

— InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) May 5, 2023

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