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Pennsylvania’s Sen. John Fetterman is being blasted on social media after posting a photo in which he posed with a rather interesting flag.

On Thursday, the Democratic senator, who was recently released from the hospital after being treated for clinical depression, took to Twitter to celebrate 4/20, a holiday popular with weed smokers across the world.

The Twitter caption read, “It’s 4:20 on 4/20. That’s the tweet,” above a photo of Fetterman holding a flag saying “It’s 420 somewhere” with a marijuana leaf in the background.

The number 420 is slang for marijuana.

It’s 4:20 on 4/20. That’s the tweet.

— Senator John Fetterman (@SenFettermanPA) April 20, 2023

Naturally, seeing a sitting member of Congress appear to promote a dangerous habit, and something that is still illegal under federal law, appalled and disturbed many on social media.

One Twitter user put it bluntly, saying, “You’re encouraging a federal crime.”

You’re encouraging a federal crime. Seems on brand, actually.

— Patrick (@PMC713) April 21, 2023

Others took to Twitter to express concern that the Senator was so freely promoting marijuana use despite his very serious health issues. One remarked that “Rehab did not help”, while another said, “Should probably lay off the ganja until your mental faculties improve.”

Oh, my. Rehab did not help.

— Tired of being politically correct (@USBornNRaised) April 21, 2023

Should probably lay off the ganja until your mental faculties improve

— Sara Rose (@saras76) April 20, 2023

That is the big concern with this rather ill-thought-out tweet. Obviously, it is reckless and irresponsible for a sitting member of Congress to encourage the use of drugs, especially someone like John Fetterman, who has serious mental health issues that could be exacerbated by the use of marijuana.

This is just the latest of a series of publicity stunts that Fetterman and his PR team have done in order to make the senator seem more likable and downplay the seriousness of his health issues.

But all this does is show people that Fetterman, his team, and his family, are not taking his health issues seriously at all.

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A man like Fetterman who holds such an important job needs to really take care of his health, both physical and mental. He does a disservice to both himself and his constituents if he does not.

It really is pathetic to see someone like Fetterman who is suffering from serious health problems encouraging a reckless habit that will only damage his health and the health of many others.

The post Fetterman Raked Over Coals After Posting Photo Holding Flag -‘You’re Encouraging a Federal Crime’ appeared first on The Western Journal.

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