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In April 2021, The Gateway Pundit first reported on the tens of thousands of women who complained about irregular menstruation after taking the COVID vaccines.

Researchers are investigating the link between COVID and menstruation after THOUSANDS of women reported changes to their cycle after getting the coronavirus vaccine.

NBC Chicago reported at the time that THOUSANDs of women have reported changes to their monthly cycle after getting the COVID vaccine.

The CDC, FDA, and medical community ignored these complaints by tens of thousands of women.

In December 2022 a study found that as many as 1 in 4 women had problems with their menstrual cycle after taking the mRNA vaccine.

Another study found that female soldiers are experiencing a catastrophic level of abnormalities after taking the COVID vaccine.

Dept. of Defense Study Shows Pregnant Female Soldiers Are Experiencing “Absolutely Catastrophic Rate of Abnormalities and Fetal Problems” – Dr. Naomi Wolf Drops a Bomb on the War Room (VIDEO)  

It has now been nearly two years and the scientific community is finally coming around to report on this vaccine side effect.

On Thursday, Dr. James Thorp, Board Certified OBGYN, appeared on Tucker Carlson and reported on the astonishing results from his recent study on COVID vaccines and reproductive health.

The effects of the virus are worse than we thought.

Dr. James Thorp: One can make a very strong argument, Tucker, that the pushing of these experimental COVID-19 vaccines globally is the greatest violation of medical ethics in the history of medicine, and maybe humanity. We have never ever broken the sacrosanct Golden rule of pregnancy. I published extensively in my career and extensively in the last three years, all on COVID. And what we’ve seen in this article, we’re honored that, I hear that it’s going to be the lead featured article in a major peer-reviewed medical journal which will be published, God willing, March 1.

What we did was we compared the COVID-19 vaccine adverse events over 18 months with that of the influenza vaccine over 282 months. Now, Tucker, the FDA and the CDC, this is governmental data and they use a danger threshold. We did it exactly by their recommendations of two-fold or greater is abnormal. And what you said is true. We found:
** a 1200 fold increase in severe menstrual abnormalities
** a 57 fold increase in miscarriage
** a 38 fold increase in fetal death or stillbirth rates
** 15 other major pregnancy complications, all far exceeding the CDC and the FDA values of safety.

So what we have is I can produce more than 30 other completely independent sources globally that corroborate exactly our findings. And if they’re that’s not bad enough. This includes Pfizer’s own internal data.

Via Tucker Carlson Tonight and Midnight Rider.

The post Dr. James Thorp Discusses New Peer-Reviewed Study on COVID Vaccines Dangerous Effects on Reproductive Health – Including 57 Fold Increase in Miscarriage Compared to Flu Vaccine appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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