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The Washington D.C. Public Library system will soon be carrying a book by Tara Reade, in which she details her alleged abuse by then-Senator Joe Biden.

Reade’s book, “Left Out: When the Truth Doesn’t Fit In,” was released in March of 2021.

According to its description on Amazon, “Reade shares the aftermath of the re-victimization of speaking out about her sexual assault, with then-Senator Joe Biden in 1993, where the shaming, attacks, and threats instigated by the media sent her into a personal tailspin.”

“Tara-rized viciously by cyber bullies, receiving death threats and fearing for her life and those of her family, Tara tells how living with no regret and coming forward was right for her conscience,” the description reads.

It went on to explain how Reade “pull[ed] together the pieces of her life experiences” in order to encourage other survivors of abuse to come forward with their stories, noting the importance of “speaking truth to power even in the most difficult of circumstances.”

Now, this book will soon be available in the D.C. public library system.

I wrote a book…

“Left Out: When the Truth Doesn’t Fit In” to order as well or any bookstore.

— Tara Reade (@ReadeAlexandra) December 4, 2021

This came after an editor with The College Fix reportedly requested the book in September 2022.

“I was asked to respond to your inquiry about Tara Reade’s book,” a D.C. Public Library staffer reportedly told Matt Lamb, an Associate Editor at The Fix. “I was able to find it listed in one of our vendor’s ordering databases, so [I] have placed an order for this title.”

As The Fix noted, President Biden and his wife, Jill, have both repeatedly condemned the banning of books, with their comments likely being directed towards Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who has targeted “pornographic” books and other “garbage” in schools.

JUST IN: DeSantis warns against agenda to bring sexuality into young grade schools

“To see some of that stuff in there? I think most parents would say ‘absolutely not.’”

— Florida’s Voice (@FLVoiceNews) March 8, 2023

Unlike DeSantis, the first lady has signaled her opposition to banning books that parents may disapprove of.

“All books should be in the library. All books. This is America. We don’t ban books,” she told Sheinell Jones in a September interview, after being asked where she draws the line regarding parental involvement in education, according to The Fix.

President Biden has expressed similar sentiment in the matter.

“I never thought I’d be a president who is fighting against elected officials trying to ban, and banning books,” Biden said at an April event, The Fix reported.

“Empty shelves don’t help kids learn very much. And I’ve never met a parent who wants a politician dictating what their kid can learn, and what they can think, or who they can be,” he added.

Lamb celebrated his accomplishment in getting the book shortly added to the library’s system.

“Now the shelves of the D.C. library will be one book fuller to help kids learn about the allegations against Biden,” he wrote.

“Thanks to my advocacy, all D.C. residents can soon read about this book, just two years after the initial publication.”

The post DC Library to Have Brutal Surprise for Biden Waiting on Shelf from His Sexual Assault Accuser appeared first on The Western Journal.

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