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For the last decade CNN, for the most part, has shied away from publishing any real news or commentary that questions national tragedies but has instead labeled anyone who questions the narrative given by the government conspiracy theorists.

That’s why on March 3rd when CNN published an article titled “Why did this cop turn up dead?” with a subtitle that reads “A heroic police officer rescued at least three people after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. A year later, he was found shot in the head” many users on the internet were shocked.

The investigative piece was written by Thomas Lake and in it, Lake dives deep into the mysterious death of Oklahoma City Police Officer Terry Yeakey.

Lake would write how veteran police officer Terry Yeakey saved three people from the rubble of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building which was bombed in April of 1995.

A police officer rescued at least three people after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. A year later, he was found shot in the head. What happened to Terry Yeakey? My new investigative story:

— thomaslake (@thomaslake) March 3, 2023

The CNN writer would then transition and write shortly after Yeakey’s heroic deed the veteran police officer was “suspicious” of his supervisors and would often go on his own secret missions.

Yeakey would ultimately end up being found dead a year after the Oklahoma City bombing.

His body was found in the woods with cuts to his wrists/neck and a gunshot wound to the head.

Authorities ruled Yeakey’s death as a suicide but his sister and officers that worked alongside him believe he was murdered.

Here’s an excerpt:

A CNN investigation found several anomalies surrounding Yeakey’s death, along with a lack of transparency by the authorities.

Although Yeakey apparently died from a gunshot wound to the head, no autopsy was performed. Medical examiners can sometimes choose not to perform an autopsy when suicide is suspected and the cause of death is not in dispute, according to Dr. Joyce deJong, president of the National Association of Medical Examiners. But three former law-enforcement officials familiar with the Yeakey case said they thought an autopsy should have been done.

When asked why there was no autopsy on Yeakey, an Oklahoma City Police Department spokesman, Master Sgt. Gary Knight, referred a reporter to the state medical examiner’s office, whose director of operations, Kari Learned, wrote, “Our office does not answer case specific questions.”

The piece has many users on social media surprised CNN would publish it:

I have a strong rule against linking to CNN.

WTF tho?

CNN does a deep report on a police officer known only to a few of us.

This is important work.

— Cernovich (@Cernovich) March 4, 2023

it feels significant that CNN is seemingly willing to engage with the idea that the OKC bombing was either perpetrated by the federal government or was covered up by it

— Ali Breland (@alibreland) March 3, 2023


The article would conclude by offering details about Terry Yeakey collecting an abundance of evidence regarding the truth behind the Oklahoma City bombing and some new facts about his various encounters with undercover agents during his last days.  What a tragic and interesting story.  It is good to see CNN delve into something factual instead of their constant attacks on Trump supporters and ‘racist’ Americans.

The post CNN Surprisingly Publishes Investigative Piece About Oklahoma City Police Officer Who Was Mysteriously Shot Dead After Oklahoma City Bombing appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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