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Texas becomes 10th state to leave controversial ERIC Voter

On Tuesday the Texas legislature voted to pass HB 1070 and withdrew from ERIC, the controversial voter roll maintenance system.

Texas is the 10TH state in the past year to leave the ERIC

Texas Rep. Carrie Isaac celebrated the news.

Today, the house passed HB 1070 to remove Texas from ERIC. We joined ERIC to ensure safe and secure elections, but the Soros-funded system has proven to have great potential for fraud. This is a great step forward in securing our elections!#txlege #dontcaliforniamytexas

— Carrie Isaac (@CarrieIsaac) May 23, 2023

Attorney Sidney Powell weighed in on this news.

Texas can exit ERIC: SB 1070.
“Thankfully, multiple red states are waking up to this clear Democratic-vote-harvesting scheme. In March alone, Florida, Missouri, West Virginia, Iowa, and Ohio exited ERIC over its ties to the left and data sharing concerns.”

— Sidney Powell Attorney & Author (@SidneyPowell1) May 21, 2023

The Gateway Pundit has reported for over a year now on the ERIC voter roll system that is used in 30-32 states.  The system was originally promoted as a tool to clean up voter rolls.  It is anything but that.

For example, Wisconsin is an ERIC State and has over 7 million registered voters in a state with less than 4 million eligible voters.  The Wisconsin state election leader Sarah Whitt was hired by ERIC after performing such exemplary work in Wisconsin.

Obviously, ERIC is not working.  The ERIC system is obsolete, inefficient, and has failed in its purpose.  The Democrat party apparatus loves it for some reason.

The ERIC system is now used in dozens of states despite the fact that voter rolls in those states are more bloated with phantom voters than ever before in US history.

Last year The Gateway Pundit reported on the ERIC Systems in a series of articles and follow-up reports for over a year now.

These articles have gone viral and are being passed on to state officials.

** ERIC Part 1: Who’s “Cleaning” Our Voter Rolls? ERIC Now in 31 States
** ERIC Part 2: Largest U.S. Counties Removed ZERO to TWO Ineligible Voters
** ERIC Part 3: The Founding of the Nation’s Largest Voter Roll Clean-up Operation
** ERIC Part 4: A Response to the Panicked Media Attacks

And our message is resonating.  Since our original reporting, thousands of grassroots activists have called their Secretary of State’s office and demanded they look into the ERIC system.

As we reported earlier, several states have stepped away from the platform and more will follow.

Of course, this is a grave concern to Democrat lawmakers like Jocelyn Benson from Michigan and Gabe Sterling from Georgia who contributed to a recent AP report.   The two liberal activists are concerned that several states are now taking a closer look at the failed system.  They feel threatened.

Last week Virginia announced it was leaving the ERIC system.  One of the arguments for leaving was that ERIC was sharing data with CEIR, a third-party group funded by Mark Zuckerberg.

On Tuesday Texas lawmakers voted to dump the ERIC System in the Lone Star State.  This is AMAZING news!

Texas is the ninth state to ditch the controversial system.

VoteBeat Texas reported:

Senate Bill 1070, authored by state Sen. Bryan Hughes, was approved by the House on a 85-61 vote. The bill would allow Texas to withdraw from the Electronic Registration Information Center, also known as ERIC, a multistate program used for checking duplicate voter registrations and cleaning voter rolls. The bill is now headed back to the Senate for approval of changes proposed by Rep. John Bucy, D-Austin, that would add requirements to comply with federal and state privacy guidelines if an alternative system is contracted by the state.

This is welcome news on the election integrity front.

Look for another nasty hit piece from the AP or NPR in the coming days.

The post BREAKING: Texas Becomes 9th State to Leave ERIC – TX House Passes Vote to Pull Out of Controversial Voter Roll Scheme – Only 23 States Remain appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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