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The Missouri Supreme Court on Friday appointed Judge John P. Torbitzky of the Eastern District of Missouri Court of Appeals to adjudicate the legal action by Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey to remove St. Louis circuit attorney Kim Gardner from her elected position as St. Louis Circuit Attorney. The Soros-funded Circuit Attorney refuses to perform the duties of her position. The homicide rate and car thefts in St. Louis rival the numbers from any major city in a third-world country. Gardner refuses to prosecute criminals and releases dangerous criminals on the street. And at the same time, she throws out court cases because she says the police are racist.

The final straw was last weekend when repeat offender, 21-year-old Daniel Riley, who had been out on bail after violating his bond multiple times, struck teenager Janae Edmondson in a wreck.  The young teen volleyball sensation lost both of her legs as she was walking from a volleyball tournament with her parents in downtown St. Louis. Janee had a scholarship to play volleyball in college. Daniel Riley had violated his bond over 100 times and yet was still roaming the streets of St. Louis.

On Thursday St. Louis City judges asked the state Supreme Court to be excluded from deciding whether to keep Kim Gardner on as Circuit Attorney. This frees them up to testify against Kim Gardner in her case.

The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported:

City judges asked the Missouri Supreme Court on Thursday to be excluded from deciding whether St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly M. Gardner should be removed from office, arguing they had a conflict of interest.

Presiding Judge Elizabeth Hogan filed the request hours after Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey filed suit in St. Louis accusing Gardner of negligence in office and asking her to be removed from her post.

Hogan said all judges on the court’s advisory committee could be called to testify during the proceedings and therefore couldn’t preside over the case, according to the filing.

The Supreme Court will ultimately decide whether to approve the request and appoint a judge from another jurisdiction.

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Once again — Here is a little more background on Kim Gardner.

In August 2018 Kim Gardner announced her attorneys will no longer accept cases from 28 different St. Louis City police officers. Gardner called it her “exclusion list” because they were racist.

Gardner did not tell the officers what they did to get on her list but they were being censored.

in 2019 Gardner refused to charge a drug dealer who was found with 1,000 opiate pills and 30,000 in cash because she didn’t like the cop involved.

CAUGHT ON VIDEO: Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney REFUSES to Charge Dealer with 1,000 Opiate Pills and $30K in Cash – Shows Officers the Door

And Gardner refused to charge the killer of a 7-year-old child despite a suspect’s confession in 2019.

Soros-Funded St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Refuses to Charge Killer of 7-Year-Old Child Despite Suspect’s Confession

Gardner lied about Governor Eric Greitens case, committed over 60 acts of misconduct in the case, and got away with it.

In 2020 Kim Gardner dropped the case against a suspect who shot another man in a traffic dispute in broad daylight.

St. Louis City Shooting Caught on Video in Broad Daylight – Soros-Funded Circuit Attorney Kim Gardner Drops Case and Lets Shooter Walk Free

In 2020 Kim Gardner also was caught on video lying about being harassed during a traffic stop!

Unhinged Soros-Backed St. Louis Circuit Attorney Creates “Exclusion List” Banning 28 City Cops From Testifying in Court

Also in 2020 Kim Gardner released all of the rioters and looters from jail without charges in the violent St. Louis Black Lives Matter riots.

But this latest incident last week was the last straw.

The post Breaking: St. Louis Area Judges Recuse Themselves from Kim Gardner Corruption Case – Enables Them to Testify Against Failed Soros-Funded Circuit Attorney appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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