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The corrupt GOP Speaker of the House in Wisconsin Robin Vos has reached new lows.  His District which includes parts of Racine, Wisconsin is now kicking members out of the County GOP and preventing new members from signing up who supported his opponent in the 2022 primary.

Speaker Robin Vos couldn’t be more corrupt and creepy if he tried.  The Speaker of the House in Wisconsin had no problem preventing President Trump from winning the 2020 Election in his state and now he’s targeting those who voted against him in his 2022 primary.

Vos was behind drop boxes being placed in Wisconsin and across the nation in the 2020 Election.  He then promised to get to the bottom of the stolen election in Wisconsin where 140,000 ballots for Joe Biden only were dropped in the early morning hours after the election giving Joe Biden a 20,000 vote lead.  Vos made sure the election results were never decertified despite boatloads of evidence it was uncertifiable.

Justice Michael Gableman Joins Tucker Carlson to Discuss His Historic Report on 2020 Wisconsin Election Fraud (VIDEO)

After all this, Vos benefited from the use of illegal, mobile voting sites to win his primary by 260 votes.  A newcomer by the name of Adam Steen nearly beat Vos.  A Steen supporter told TGP that only 15% of the GOP members in Vos’s district that she talked to said they were going to vote for Vos, 55% said they definitely would not vote for Vos in the primary.  Somehow with the aid of the mobile sites, Vos pulled out a win.

Vos apparently didn’t like almost losing to an unknown and he doesn’t want it to happen again, so members of the local GOP in Vos’s district have begun purging conservatives in the GOP who supported Steen in the primary.  They are also preventing newcomers to the GOP from joining the party that supported Steen as well.  

A Racine County group of free-thinking America First Conservative Republicans put together the following points related to GOP actions in Vos’s district.

According to the Republican Party of Racine’s website, “We support traditional American values and advocate for conservative leadership in our elected officials. We encourage our diverse body of members to form a conservative coalition that ensures our representatives advocate for “We The People.” The Republican Party of Racine supports equal rights, justice, and opportunity for ALL people, regardless of race, color, national origin, or sex.”

No words have ever been further from the truth.

In an effort to eliminate America First Conservative Republican voices from joining the Racine County Republican Party (Racine GOP), the following tactics have been implemented by their board over the previous months.

1. The Racine GOP website membership sign-up/payment portal was removed in mid-January of this year.

2. An unfortunate choice of words was added to the Bylaws pertaining to membership eligibility.

3. Unscrupulous reasoning is being provided for the rejection of new membership/ membership renewal applications.

■ To date, 18 people have stepped forward in frustration upon receiving a new membership/membership renewal rejection letter from the Racine GOP.
■ Of the 18, 11 people were first time member applicants.
■ Of the 18, 7 people were denied membership renewal.

These are the individuals that this group knows of.  There may be many, many more.  They were prevented from joining the GOP because they supported Steen in the 2022 primary.

See the entire memo below:

The Systematic Membership Rejection Practices of the Racine County GOP- FEB 2023 by Jim Hoft on Scribd

Individuals who are signing up to join the GOP for the first time or to renew are being prevented GOP membership.  The word “Steen” is written on their applications indicating that their crime was supporting candidate Adam Steen over Vos.

Vos’s signature is on a letter to select GOP members in the county per another attachment as well.

See the support below:

Exhibits- Racine Gop by Jim Hoft on Scribd

This is a new low for Vos and his supporters in the GOP. 

The post BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Corrupt Wisconsin Speaker Robin Vos Is Kicking GOP Members Out of Party Because They Voted for His Opponent in 2022 Primary appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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