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If only his uncle had had this ex-NBA forward in his corner.

Former NBA and current Big 3 player Royce White caused quite a stir with a simple message etched onto the side of his head — and even he was surprised that message made it onto television:

Protect RFK JR. I’m surprised they got up close on this… Sacred Honor! #Godspeed

— Royce White (@Highway_30) July 2, 2023

“Protect RFK JR,” White tweeted. It was the same message on the side of his head.

The former Houston Rocket added: “I’m surprised they got up close on this… Sacred Honor! #Godspeed.”

And of course, it’s always good to look out for the livelihoods of your fellow man (especially one with a sordid and still undisclosed family history involving assassination) but there’s a bit more to White’s “Protect RFK” than meets the eye.

Namely, White thinks Robert F. Kennedy Jr. would make a bang-up vice president — just not for the party he’s currently, actively identifying with.

No, White has made it abundantly clear that he thinks Kennedy would be the perfect vice president for GOP primary frontrunner Donald Trump.

WARNING: The following video contains vulgar language that some viewers may find offensive.

Protect RFK Jr — As long as the security state and deep state are not held to account for their role in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the entire nation suffers from copious amounts of moral hazard. This is how we have to view his candidacy and safety. Trump/Kennedy 2024!

— Royce White (@Highway_30) July 6, 2023

“Protect RFK Jr — As long as the security state and deep state are not held to account for their role in the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the entire nation suffers from copious amounts of moral hazard,” White tweeted. “This is how we have to view his candidacy and safety.”

Then came the curious plug: “Trump/Kennedy 2024!”

In the video, White described the hypothetical pairing of Trump and Kennedy as “the real American nationalist, populist movement.”

It’s worth noting that Kennedy appeared to be pretty chummy with White (and is also a fan of three-on-three halfcourt basketball, who knew?) based on photos posted to Twitter:

At the @thebig3 game with @icecube + @big3_power team after their big win. Congrats @NancyLieberman + @highway_30 + @CuttinosLife + @tjcline6 + Glen Rice, Jr + Akil Mitchell. Great to meet you!

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) July 9, 2023

Now, realistically, there is virtually no chance that Trump and Kennedy would ever join forces for a number of reasons.

Apart from the nominal political divide, there is very much an ideological chasm.

Kennedy has been wishy-washy (at absolute best) on Second Amendment issues, and has been outright supportive of affirmative action and all of the issues that come with that can of worms.

Regarding the Supreme Court banning affirmative action in higher ed — I know many Americans feel that purely race-based decisions are unfair. However, this feeling misses important context. The effects of racist policies going back centuries are now self-perpetuating.

— Robert F. Kennedy Jr (@RobertKennedyJr) June 29, 2023

That all being said… could you actually imagine a Trump/Kennedy ticket?

Whatever you may think of White’s “nationalist, populist” description of that hypothetical ticket, it’s hard to dispute that, at the very least, it would send shockwaves through the establishment.

Yes, as odd as it is to say that a Kennedy, a member of an ostensible American political dynasty, would be a shock to the Washington machine’s system, it’s 2023 and the left insists men can be women, so it simply is what it is.

But as much fun as it is to fantasize about the ways in which a Trump and Kennedy pairing would send the likes of President Joe Biden and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell running around like fossilized chickens with their heads cut off, it will likely always be just that — a fantasy.

However, what White’s bold and unlikely suggestion really speaks to is the bubbling dissatisfaction with the establishment duopoly currently running this country.

While Trump is a far stronger example of this than Kennedy, both men do represent outside voices trying to disrupt the establishment. Whatever you may think of Trump and Kennedy as political candidates, you can’t deny that neither of them are exactly full-throatedly embraced by their entire party.

Biden and his cohorts all but ignore Kennedy as a novelty sideshow. Conversely, Never Trumpism is as strong in the Republican party as it has been since Trump first burst onto the political scene.

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But that exclusionary, “only for me, and not for thee”-attitude is the exact attitude that legions of Americans are completely fed up with.

For as much scorn and blame is rightfully thrust at Trump’s feet for his election loss, where’s that same vitriol for the Republican machine that seemed just a tad too eager to watch Trump crash and burn? Oh right, most of that scorn and blame being thrust at Trump is coming from that Republican machine.

It’s blatant, shameless and a rather naked attempt to banish Trump into the political wastelands — a place that Kennedy largely already occupies.

So… cast aside by the political machine… looked down upon… deemed unnecessary… It’s rather obvious why people, even former NBA players, gravitate towards Trump and Kennedy, isn’t it?

The post Basketball Pro Explains Why He Wrote ‘Protect RFK Jr.’ on His Head During Game appeared first on The Western Journal.

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