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Pollster Frank Luntz has warned that RFK Jr.’s endorsement of Donald Trump could be what propels the former president to victory in November.

During an epic speech on Friday afternoon, Kennedy ripped the Democratic Party for its anti-democratic practices and declared that it was no longer the party that stood against “authoritarianism, against censorship, against colonialism, imperialism, and unjust wars.”

BREAKING: Robert F Kennedy Jr. officially drops out of the presidential race and endorses Donald Trump.

“I throw my support behind Donald Trump.”

RFK absolutely ripped the Democratic Party in during his speech.

“Democrats stood against authoritarianism, against…

— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) August 23, 2024

In an interview on News Nation, Luntz reacted to Kennedy’s endorsement and gave his view on what it means for the presidential campaign:

It is probably worth about one percent for Trump, and that one percent could be everything if it is in the states. In the end, the reason why Kennedy was strong at 10, 12 even 14 percent, is because he was taking votes away from Joe Biden.

Joe Biden is gone, Kamala Harris has replaced him and his vote collapsed down to about four or five percent and what is left is a Trump vote. Some of them are simply not going to participate in November. Roughly two to one will vote for Trump and that is worth a single percent and a single percent can make the difference in Pennsylavania, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Pollster Frank Luntz says that RFK Jr. endorsing Trump could “make the difference” in swing states and propel Trump to victory.

He adds that the media would have treated the endorsement dramatically different if he endorsed Kamala Harris and he would have been regarded as a…

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) August 24, 2024

Democrats Freak Over RFK Jr.’s Epic Trump Endorsement as Harris Campaign Call Him ‘Failed Fringe Candidate’

Earlier this month, Luntz stunned a CNN reporter when he warned that Trump was receiving unprecedented levels of support among union workers, a trend that is concerning the Democratic Party, which falsely portrays itself as standing up for working people.

“Donald Trump is doing better among the average union member, not teachers’ unions and not the unions for government, but everybody else, the trades, people work with their hands. He’s doing better among them than any Republican has done in decades,” Luntz said, leaving the panel speechless.

LUNTZ: President Trump is doing better with union members than any Republican in decades.

In my focus groups, union members say union leaders “don’t speak for me.”

— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) August 14, 2024

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