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The world is in a financial meltdown right now and our economy is on the brink of collapse.  This is due to Biden’s actions.  Now the criminals running our government want to arrest a good man who did nothing wrong because he threatens their power.

The GOP RINOs tried to stop candidate Trump from winning the nomination in 2016, they couldn’t.

Hillary called Trump and his supporters “deplorable” and he beat her.

Obama spied on Trump, and he got caught.

The Obama gang attempted a coup of the Trump Administration, it failed, Trump did nothing wrong.

The Democrats impeached him for daring to ask about the Bidens’ actions in Ukraine, he was doing his duty, the Bidens were taking millions from foreigners in bribes and favors.

The Chinese drop COVID-19 with the Deep State doctors’ help, they attempt to cover it up, Fauci and gang got caught.

President Trump won millions more votes than any President in history in the 2020 election so they stole it from him.

They set up the Jan 6 protests and inserted rioters to cause violence, they got caught.

They took over the economy and are destroying it.

They raid President Trump’s home yet he did nothing wrong.

Now a Soros-funded prosecutor from New York is going to arrest and charge President Trump with BS crimes.

The problem is none of these villains and criminals were ever held accountable.  So they go for more.

Attorney Mike Davis was on with Steve Bannon on The War Room to discuss the Deep State’s threats to arrest President Trump and the make-believe crimes this innocent man committed.

Davis shared:

This is a noncrime again they’re going after Trump.  We have Alvin Bragg, this Manhattan DA, the Democrats’ prosecutor in Manhattan…They’ve been trying to get Trump since 2017…

It is not a crime for someone to settle with someone making accusations against you.  Alvin Bragg is trying to turn a routine civil settlement over a nusence litigation matter into a crime…

This is part of a pattern and practice by the Democrats…to try to take out Trump.

The DOJ is also going after Trump for the non-crime regarding his legal actions of holding documents at his home after leaving the White House.  Davis has pointed out numerous times that President Trump did nothing wrong with classified documents.  (But Biden committed numerous felonies for holding classified and top secret docs.)

Davis mentioned his piece in the Washington Times linked here –

.@mrddmia in The Washington Times: “These district attorneys are attempting to force Mr. Trump out of the race with bogus legal theories—Mr. Bragg’s even essentially dismissed by the liberal New York Times—because they are terrified of a fair election.”

— MAGA War Room (@MAGAIncWarRoom) March 17, 2023

Davis’s discussion on War Room is as follows:

The post AMERICAN NIGHTMARE – Democrats Have Nothing – President Trump Did Nothing Wrong – But They Will Arrest Him Anyway appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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