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In July 2020 documents were released by the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the Russia collusion hoax.

The second set of documents exposed the outlandish New York Times story that the Trump team had “repeated contacts with senior Russian intelligence officials.”  The declassified documents reveal The New York Times reporting was transparently dishonest and attempted to fuel the Russiagate narrative in its early stages.

In May 2022, the country learned that it was Hillary Clinton’s campaign that was behind the entire Trump-Russia collusion hoax.  We know this because her former campaign manager Robbie Mook said so under oath during the Sussman trial.

The entire Trump-Russia collusion narrative was a lie.  The Democrats and media knew it was a lie.  We now know that the Hillary Clinton Campaign was behind the entire narrative.  Democrats used this in their attempted coup of the sitting president.  They jailed and bankrupted innocent men in their coup attempt.

According to a now debunked story published by far-left Slate, Trump set up a secret server at Trump Tower on 5th Avenue to “communicate privately with a Putin-tied Russian bank called Alfa Bank.”

The FBI began investigating the Trump Organization’s “back-channel” with the Russian-owned bank after Hillary Clinton Attorney Michael Sussmann ran to the FBI and presented data files to back up the claims. It was all a lie. Hillary hatched the lie and then later promoted the lie.

Special Counsel John Durham released his final report last week concluding the FBI had no verified intel when it opened the Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Trump in 2016, according to Just the News.

The Trump-Russia hoax was a historic scam perpetrated on the American public by the FBI, DOJ, mainstream media, and Democrat Party in an attempted coup to remove President Trump from office.

Despite the regime media’s best attempts to hide the latest Durhm Report from the public, Americans are aware of this massive government scandal.

Nearly two-thirds of voters, 63%, believe the Trump-Russia hoax was a hitjob on Trump.  A majority of voters want to see the FBI face consequences for their lawlessness.

Rasmussen reported:

Durham Report: 63% Believe Russia Smear Was ‘Hit Job’ Against Trump

A majority of voters want consequences for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) officials who promoted false accusations of “Russian collusion” against former President Donald Trump.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 59% of Likely U.S. voters believe FBI officials involved in promoting the false Russia-Trump claims should be criminally prosecuted. Twenty-three percent (23%) disagree, while 18% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

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