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Following the horrendous school shooting attack by 15-year-old Natalie “Samantha” Rupnow, a student at Abundant Life Christian School (ALCS), who took the lives of a student and a teacher, injured six others, before taking her own life, Barbara Wiers, the school’s director for elementary and communications, leans on her faith to cope with the event.

As The Gateway Pundit reported, the tragic event unfolded on Monday, shortly before 11 a.m. at ALCS in Madison, Wisconsin. As an investigation is still ongoing, FBI agents have detained 20-year-old Alexander Paffendorf for allegedly conspiring with Samantha leading up to the act.

California Man Detained for Allegedly Conspiring with Teen Behind Wisconsin Christian School Shooting in Chilling Plot to Blow Up Government Building

Paffendorf had reportedly been in contact with Rupnow, sharing plans to target a government building using explosives and firearms.

FBI agents reportedly intercepted incriminating messages between the two, leading to Paffendorf’s detainment and the seizure of firearms from his residence.

A gun violence restraining order, which in California is used to stop someone from having, owning, or buying any firearms (guns), firearm parts, ammunition, or magazines, signed by a San Diego Superior Court judge late Tuesday evening, details how Paffendorf confessed his involvement to FBI agents during an interview.

During an interview with FBI agents, Paffendorf reportedly admitted to plotting the attack, stating that he had discussed arming himself with explosives and targeting a government building.

The restraining order detailed the agents’ findings, noting that Paffendorf’s messages confirmed his intent to act in tandem with Rupnow’s violent attack in Madison.

As law enforcement continues investigating the tragedy, the Abundant Life Christian School community turns to the Bible for answers. Perhaps if more people did this to deal with life’s everyday hardships rather than complaining and crying victimhood, enabled by leftist educators, maybe the clear mental health problem in this generation would be solved, and mass shootings would no longer be an issue. Guns don’t drive people to commit mass murder. Society’s abandonment of God and Christian family principles has deprived the younger generation of its morals.

According to the ALCS mission statement written by Principal Butler, the Christian school relies on the Bible to inspire the “Word of God and the foundation for all that we teach is integral to who we are.” This remains true as faculty turns to religion to help the community and students get through this horrific event–an idea that seemingly no leftist would consider as they’d rather restrict the Second Amendment.

Samantha Rupnow was recently transferred to ACLS. It is unclear where she was educated previously or whether or not she was a believer. Rupnow reportedly had a troubled home life, with her mother and father divorcing and remarrying three times, and she had school attendance troubles.

Wiers recently told The Associated Press how faith is sustaining the community as they move forward with this tragedy.

Per AP:

Barbara Wiers, the school’s director for elementary and communications, told The Associated Press that the attack lasted eight minutes — shorter than the school’s regular snack break. She said the community’s faith and connection to one another has sustained them as they struggle with the possibility that the shooter’s motive might remain undetermined.

“Are we broken right now? Yes. Are we bruised and battered? Yes,” she said. “But we will laugh again, and He will turn our mourning into joy again. And we will go on.”

This was Rupnow’s first semester at ALCS, Wiers said. The school was working with her family on attendance, but teachers had no significant concerns, she said.

“I pray for this family because right now they’ve lost a daughter, and they are wounded,” she said. “And they’re dealing with the fact that their daughter did this terrible thing and hurt these other people. It has to be one of the loneliest, bitterest places to be.”

It is unclear why the 15-year-old was transferred to ALCS and why she murdered her peers during her first semester. Hopefully, we will soon know more about her upbringing and her motive to harm others, but as of now, information is slow to come.

The post Turning to Faith for Comfort: Abundant Life Christian School Director for Elementary and Communications Barbara Wiers says “He Will Turn Our Mourning into Joy Again” After Tragic Shooting at School appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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