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By Wayne Allyn Root

Remember when a Republican President (Gerald Ford) refused to give money to a bankrupt New York City? The newspaper headlines the next day said…

“Ford to NYC: DROP DEAD.”

But that was a Republican President’s message to a bankrupt, crime-ridden, Democrat city that spent like a drunken sailor and wasted all their money on welfare.

Today a Democrat President (who is brain-dead with dementia) and his VP Kamala Harris (not brain-dead, just dumb as a doorknob) have CLEARLY intentionally withheld and “slow-walked” FEMA money and “boots on the ground” for the innocent victims of devastating Hurricane Helene.

American citizens have been betrayed, abandoned, and left behind by our own government.

But in this case, the innocent victims are predominately white, Southern, rural, conservative Trump voters.

Why aren’t the media headlines…

“Biden & Kamala to Hurricane Helene Victims: DROP DEAD.”

Because let’s be honest- that’s exactly what’s happening. This administration has made a cold, hard, political calculation to do as little as possible for these innocent victims, because they aren’t the right race, sex, or political persuasion.

We all know and see what’s happening. FEMA is not only “a day late and a dollar short” (except in this case it’s 10 days late) in getting supplies, food, water and medical help to these victims, they are actively getting in the way of private relief efforts- and we have testimony from so many different witnesses.

Things are so bad, that many of my TV viewers from North Carolina have emailed me to report there are thousands dead- perhaps more than 10,000. Although the government and their lapdog media claim the death toll is just over 200.

The dead are everywhere decaying in the sun and heat.

Things are so bad, many of the victims have chosen to bury the dead in their backyards- because no one from government has ever come to provide support.

Things are so bad that a private company, “The Mountain Mule Packer Ranch” based in North Carolina, is using mules to bring supplies to the desperate victims- who for all intents and purposes, have been abandoned by our own government.

Yes, I said MULES. In the year 2024.

Things are so bad that for days on end the infamous “Cajun Navy” (private citizen volunteers in boats) were the only ones rescuing citizens and bringing relief.

The citizens have been abandoned by this Biden-Kamala administration.

Things are so bad, the term “Cajun Air Force” was just invented to describe the efforts of volunteer pilots in private planes and helicopters making rescues and bringing supplies to the desperate storm victims. These heroes have reported to conservative media that they are the only ones in the disaster zone bringing help and hope to the victims.

FEMA, government, and National Guard are AWOL.

The residents of Bat Cave, North Carolina report “nobody’s been bringing in supplies except civilians” after FEMA refused to drive into the town because a sign says, “Road Closed.” Private citizen volunteers had no such problem.

Meanwhile FEMA has misused disaster relief money on the re-settlement of illegal aliens. And our federal government is spending close to half a trillion dollars a year on illegal alien invaders.

Worse still, Kamala Harris on Saturday bragged about spending $157 million for civilians in Lebanon, while Hurricane Helene victims are still waiting for help.

US Senator Tommy Tuberville of Alabama called this neglect and abandonment by our own government “criminal” and warned “people should be going to jail- this is TREASON.”

So here are my questions…

Could you even imagine this happening if a natural disaster hit a major city in America with a predominately minority population?

If these Hurricane Helene victims were black Democrats instead of white Republican voters, how different would the response have been by this Biden-Kamala administration?

What if the victims were illegal aliens? How quickly would this administration have grabbed billions of dollars from other agency budgets to provide support for the illegals?

What if the hurricane victims were gay or transgender? How quickly would Kamala move heaven and earth to save them?

What if the victims were black- would Kamala have been making guest appearances on sex podcasts aimed at women with “daddy issues,” while black Democrat voters suffered with no help from her government?

Can you imagine the media headlines, if we had white Republican President Donald Trump in office- and the federal government abandoned the black victims of a natural disaster to fend for themselves?

What if President Trump was sunning on the beach in Florida, while black American citizens were dying and suffering? What would the media reaction be?

What if mules were being used to bring supplies to black Democrat citizens during a natural disaster? Do you think the media would ignore that story? Or would that be the biggest story in America for days on end?

What if Trump’s FEMA chief was caught shopping for luxury items in Georgetown while black citizens were without food, water, or shelter?

What if Trump was President and he bragged about giving $157 million to a foreign country, while his FEMA chief complained his agency was out of money, and black American bodies rotted in the hot sun days after a disaster?

What if black Americans were burying their dead in their backyards, because no one from government had ever come to help?

What if black citizens were in distress after a disaster, and the only help was being delivered by an army of black citizen volunteers, with their own boats, planes and helicopters? How would the media and the nation respond to this?

I’ll bet the media response would be very different.

Trump might already be in a prison cell, charged with treason…or lynched by an angry mob of liberals. Trump would certainly be impeached by now.

Now Hurricane Milton is coming. It threatens to become the worst hurricane in modern history. It will strike the West Coast of Florida, filled with predominately white Republican Trump voters.

How do you think this will play out? The odds don’t look good for the citizens of Florida.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Watch Wayne’s new TV Show, “The ROOT Reaction” weeknights at 10 PM ET/7 PM Pacific on Real America’s Voice TV, and Wayne’s weekend “America’s Top Ten Countdown” on Saturdays at Noon ET/9 AM PT on Real America’s Voice TV. Watch at, or at Rumble, Roku, Pluto, Apple, Dish TV Ch 219, or go to to watch.

The post WAYNE ROOT: Biden & Kamala Say to White, Southern, Trump Voters: “DROP DEAD.” But What If the Victims of This Hurricane Disaster Were Black, Illegal Aliens, or Gay? appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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