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Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have presided over the greatest illegal migrant invasion in US history. This comes after Joe Biden opened the border on his first day in office.

By now, it should be common knowledge that Kamala Harris has been serving as Joe Biden’s “border czar” for much of the past four years.  In this role, she owns the disaster at the border more than any other Biden administration official, including the president himself.  Since taking office in January of 2021, more than ten million illegal aliens have unlawfully penetrated the US-Mexico border.  These border crossers have brought untold amounts of illegal drugs, like fentanyl, and violent crime, including homicide, rape, and human trafficking, that have propelled the crime figures in virtually every major American city to the highest recorded rates ever.   Women and children have been disproportionately harmed by the Biden-Harris open border; stories like Laken Riley, Rachel Morin, and Jocelyn Nungaray – all young American women with years of life still to go, murdered in cold blood by an illegal who should never in a million years have been on this land – represent just the tragic tip of the iceberg.

As it stands, America already is well beyond overcapacity for illegal aliens.  The ten-plus million that have crossed over during the Biden-Harris administration discount the millions more, anywhere between 2 and 10 million, that are labeled “gotaways,” by the federal government.  These are people who do not appear on U.S. Border Patrol registrars, and otherwise evade detection.  For their part, border patrol and ICE have been depleted of crucial resources for orchestrating mass deportations — and, even more importantly, morale — that have driven so many of them, particularly competent ones, into early retirement at best, and sometimes even suicide at worst.  The systematic demonization of border patrol agents waged by Joe Biden, and now Kamala Harris, represents one half of a two-part strategy that also includes flooding the border with aliens, the majority of whom are from Latin and South America, but with an increasing share from the Middle East and other parts of the world known as terrorist wellsprings.

The result of the Biden-Harris border catastrophe has been an unmitigated disaster across every economic and civic metric.  Cities, particularly big cities like New York, Los Angeles, and Houston, are being drained of vital resources to process and care for illegal aliens.  The Biden-Harris regime has encouraged local officials to provide handouts, ranging from transportation to housing to medical care, for illegal aliens, to the tune of billions of dollars, at expense of the American citizen. As homelessness rates soar, critical resources that ought to be devoted to America’s most vulnerable citizens are now being diverted to care for illegal aliens, the vast majority of whom are low-skilled laborers, and thus in the net drain more than they contribute to the economy.  And that is the most generous formulation of the crisis.

Walking through Central Park today shines a stark light on the real-time consequences of the Biden-Harris border debacle: now it is commonplace to observe illegals, who cannot speak English, urinate and defecate in public, exacerbating a rampant homelessness crisis that has brought the City’s economy to heel.  As Governor Hochul and Mayor Adams, who both dutifully tow their party’s line on open borders, ping-pong buses of migrants from Manhattan to Albany, and then back again, Democratic politicians lay waste to their constituents – who languish, literally, in the streets.

Even in upscale parts of Manhattan nowadays, including Midtown and the Upper East side, are littered by homeless people, who are not getting the assistance they need to rehabilitate and get off the streets.  New York City schoolchildren are being forced to stay home so that their schools can be used to house and educate illegal alien children in their stead.   The effect of this aggravates already record-setting levels of truancy and feelings on social isolation among America’s urban youth, many of whom are disproportionately racial minorities or below the poverty line, thus worsening social and wealth inequities.

There are other problems with allowing so many illegals into the United States at one time, with no checks or balances whatsoever.  For one, the ten or fifteen (or maybe even twenty-plus million, by some estimates) illegals that have entered our homeland within the past four years exacerbates polarization, by introducing foreign languages, religions, and ways of life at rates far beyond our society’s capacity to assimilate them.  This harms both the American citizen, who increasingly finds himself alienated in his own country, and illegal alike – who is prejudiced by a society that neglects to equip him with the skills, such as instruction in English, or fails to acculturate him in our laws and national customs, all necessary building blocks for civic unity.  To the extent the latter are not assimilated, many join gangs – as evident in the recent boom of Venezuelan illegal migrant gangs ravaging New York and Chicago – leading to a further erosion of civic trust, particularly in law enforcement.  Gangs inflame violence across all of society, resulting in needless and avoidable deaths, both among gang members and civilian casualties, who, like Laken Riley, become collateral damage in these insane policies bringing the nation to ruin.

Not to mention, the 12 or 15 million-plus illegals that Kamala Harris has ushered into our country adds to the 40 odd million (a conservative estimate, by one count) already here, the product of loose border policies of the Obama, Bush, and Clinton administrations.  Over time, Democratic lawmakers have pivoted from tackling the issue of illegal immigration, even though it constantly polls as the most important issue for Americans, where closing our borders has received widespread bipartisan support, to easing the standards for law enforcement.  Accordingly, we have observed a spike in repeat offenders crossing the border illegally.  In many cases, those responsible for the worst violent crimes that take place are repeat offenders that were originally tracked down and detained by law enforcement, only to be let loose by Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, who only seem to believe in law enforcement when it involves prosecuting political opponents like Donald Trump.

With an increasingly precarious world order, defined by global instability led by terrorist groups like Hamas and the resurgence of ISIS throughout the Middle East, and endemic political polarization at home, it would seem like commonsense, now more than ever, to completely secure our borders borders and impose rigorous vetting processes for those who come into the nation lawfully.  Alas, Democratic lawmakers have tacked far to the left on an issue that overwhelming majorities of Americans – including Hispanics and even many Democrats – who believe a more stringent approach to border security is necessary.  This is particularly true where an increasing share of illegal migrants come from not only places rife with cartel and drug violence in South and Latin America, but also now traditional hotbeds for terrorism, like Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, and Yemen, where DHS has reported a more than 3,000% increase of illegal alien encounters from terror watchlists over the last four years.  These staggering numbers are made all the more puzzling by the fact that we now live in an age of global pandemics, where Democrats and Left-wing parties are among the first to call for lockdowns in the name of public health and safety.

One would think that, applying this same logic, Democrats would be the first to call for the lockdown of the border – as so many illegal aliens have brought not only crime, drugs, and sex trafficking, but also loads of foreign-born illnesses, including covid, monkeypox, and malaria, and myriad other viruses, invasive species, and contagions that have jeopardized our national health, and burdened public systems and officials to meaningfully respond to these newfound challenges.  Evidently, Democrats are hypocrites when it comes to their own made-up rules; it makes absolutely zero sense why a party that purportedly cherishes public health would greenlight tens of millions of newcomers, who bring diseases that nobody’s ever heard of, into the mainland, hurting the American people in the process, and disproportionately the low-income communities where illegals are most frequently settled.

It is no secret that Kamala Harris believes in open borders – hook, line, and sinker.  The globalist agenda, of which Harris is a fierce disciple, sees the need for a constant, steady stream of low-skilled migrants to boost their voter share and provide cheap capital for their donors.  Who these donors are – and to what extent they are involved in human trafficking – is a story unto itself.  However, what is readily evident is that whereas in the past Democrats would at least call for illegals to assimilate, albeit often by way of some unconstitutional voodooism, like Obama’s notorious DACA program, where he fast-tracked the conferral of citizenship to millions of anchor babies.  Nowadays, the Democratic Party is increasingly calling to eradicate the distinction between citizen and foreigner; where differences remain, any rights considerations often falls in favor of the foreigner.  In practice, this means driver’s licenses, social security numbers, and indeed, voting rights for illegal aliens. The experiment started, like in New York, in state elections, but no doubt these were just test cases to inundate ballot boxes with illegal alien votes in the 2024 presidential election.

In short, Kamala Harris believes in open borders because her constituency is illegal aliens.  She is betting the ranch on having the 20 million she and Biden welcomed with open arms, including the brutal human traffickers and drug lords, vote for the Harris-Walz ticket.  No homeborn American would sign up for this – at least 75% Americans rightly do not believe illegal aliens should vote.  Not that it needed to be repeated, but Donald Trump may be the last major presidential candidate ever, if he does not win, to stand for the American people over foreign invaders.  If Kamala is allowed to get her way, it will set a dangerous and irreparable precedent that democratic elections are null and void, for all Democrats in the future will simply be able to import as many foreign votes as necessary to reach victory, backed by our political institutions and mainstream media — who either sit on their hands in the face of madness, or actively enable it, to the shame of their ancestors.

But history offers a portentous guide: Like Rome, a policy that prioritizes foreigners over citizens, relegating native born Americans to second class seconds, will spell doom for the society, and Western civilization overall – and it will be our leaders who bear the burden of the collapse of the American Republic, much as their Roman forebears did for theirs.


The post INGRASSIA: Kamala Harris’ Record As Border Czar Has Been An Unmitigated Disaster – And It’s Even Worse Than You Imagine appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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