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Guest post by Jay Valentine at

On Sunday morning, the Fractal team received a call from a U.S. senator noting the Keep Our Republic organization was threatening that if senators did not back down from claiming voter rolls were “dirty” these senators would have this “good government” group fight their re-election.

Keep Our Republic claims to be “a non-partisan civic education organization with a unique focus on the unconventional threats facing our election system, and on ways to help strengthen trust in our electoral system.”  However, the organizational leadership team is a who’s who of prominent Democrats and outspoken RINOs.

We are all about good government and even more about helping groups like Keep Our Republic “strengthen trust in the election system.”  Their words.

Why the focus on not challenging the legitimacy of voter rolls?

Why would a “good government” group, with funding in every swing state – be pressuring senators to not challenge voter rolls?

As the Fractal team demonstrated – 2024 is going to be stolen by ballot mills, funded by NGOs, who have over 500,000 ballots ready to go – today – in each swing state – to swamp the clueless Republicans.

Being quantum computer guys, we can show anomalies in voter roll data invisible for decades – because everyone else – including Secretaries of State – use obsolete relational technology.

The national voter integrity orgs missed millions of ineligible addresses – housing non-existent identities – only there to collect ballots – for 20 years.

Our videos on Rumble and show these ballot mills – operating via NGOs, in every swing state.

Later this week, we are publishing the findings for Colorado – where a hardy band of citizens is funding the work to reconcile their voter rolls – to show how filthy they are.

This is the first time in Colorado’s history its voter rolls were reconciled against other official government data – and the results are stunning!

As we will demonstrate, Colorado is the prime example of voter rolls – never reconciled – with so many anomalies that it is impossible to claim Colorado has fair statewide elections.

We will also show the appalling voter rolls of Ohio, Alabama, Missouri, Mississippi, Texas, Florida, Kansas – demonstrating the problem of wildly out-of-date voter rolls is not a Blue Swing State problem – it is a national problem.

On Sunday, the Fractal team took up the senator’s request and applied the Dark Money Tracking System to our new pals at Keep Our Republic.

Using quantum Fractal technology, we found these connections – among known Leftist orgs – funding each other – hiding funding through anodyne names – and it took us less than 15 minutes!

As you will see in this 14-minute video, Keep the Republic has some entertaining ties to several groups that we follow – including the Chinese Progressive Association, the Tides Foundation, the Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood, George Soros.

We look forward to outing every one of these groups claiming voter rolls are clean.

There is a national movement – seen in scores of “good government groups” and the RNC and Trump Campaign – to deny voter rolls are filled with NGO-created fake identities or real identities at ineligible addresses.

2024 is going to be stolen – plain and simple – via NGO-created ballot mills, in partnership with the United States Postal Service – if Republicans do not act. And, we can show these addresses today in every swing state.

We will demonstrate in state after state, Red state or Blue state – enough ballots from ineligible addresses – like Walmarts and auto dealerships – to impact the outcome of any election.

If you think Trump can “outrun” this level of organized, industrial scale voter fraud in 2024, our videos ought to educate you.

The Trump Campaign and the RNC organized 157,000 poll watchers to make sure all these fake ballots, from ballot mills are properly counted.

It is our objective to demonstrate a better way.

The clock is ticking.

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The post “Bi-Partisan” NGO Group with Ties to Soros and Southern Poverty Law Center Threatens GOP Senators from Highlighting the Epidemic of Dirty Voter Rolls and Bogus Registrations Numbering in the Hundreds of Thousands appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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