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Former CNN host Chris Cuomo might be no longer employed by one of the country’s premier liberal propagandists, but he’s proving one thing:

He can’t handle the truth.

And conservative commentator Bill O’Reilly speaking the truth about Vice President Kamala Harris was a case in point.

In a clash after the close of Thursday’s Democratic convention — a clash that turned bitterly personal at points — O’Reilly and Cuomo, now with NewsNation, hammered at each other over the Democratic nominee’s wafer-thin keynote address, which O’Reilly graded a “C.”

Harris’ speech had no specifics, O’Reilly pointed out, offered no solutions to the problems facing the country, and amounted to basically a “liberal Democratic line.”

The former Fox News host then told the brutal truth about Harris:

“She wants power. She wants to be president. She doesn’t do press. She doesn’t answer questions,” he said.

In other words, she’s demanding power without designing to tell the American people what she intends to do with it, and how.

He also detailed how Harris’ speech was rife with untruths about her opponent, former President Donald Trump.

“I don’t want to be lied to, Cuomo,” O’Reilly said. “I don’t care where it is!”

Cuomo, whose look of bored irritation while O’Reilly was speaking showed all the inherent liberalism that made him such a star for CNN before he was ousted, went on the attack.

He implicitly accused O’Reilly of being both ignorant and naive for expecting anything different from a candidate’s convention speech and, on the subject Harris’ comments about the Supreme Court and abortion, basically called O’Reilly stupid.

O’Reilly shot back.

“Is that all you got?” he said. “That I sound like an idiot?”

Check it out here. It’s almost 13 minutes long, but it’s an exchange that really needs to be seen to be believed (and appreciated).

Boiled down, the clash illustrated the 2024 campaign nicely.

On the Republican side, there are Trump supporters — and even non-Trump supporters who simply aren’t blinded by propaganda — who have watched while the Biden-Harris administration has played havoc with the country for the past four years on illegal immigration, on the economy, on foreign policy.

And they’ve watched that administration being cosseted by an establishment media more devoted to protecting the Democratic agenda than informing the American public.

On the Democratic side are the true believers (like the ones in Harris’ audience at Chicago’s United Center) and the leftist lie peddlers like Cuomo, who will seize virtually any opportunity to attack Trump while proffering no real defense of their candidate or her policies because they don’t think they need to.

Harris’ speech was so full of deception that it was called out by establishment media outlets like The Washington Post, USA Today and The New York Times (and it’s a rare occasion indeed when O’Reilly is on the same side as those publications).

Cuomo’s defense, such as it was, was to attack Trump — and by extension, O’Reilly — while pretending that a convention speech was no standard by which to judge a candidate.

Near the end of the video, O’Reilly summed up the conversation succinctly:

“This woman has no specifics, but you excuse it because she’s in party mode. Bull!” he said.

“We’re at a very serious point in our history. We need problem-solving,” he said. “This woman won’t answer a question from any journalist. That alone tells you what her capacity is.”

That it does.

And the whole exchange showed that Chris Cuomo’s capacity for the truth hasn’t changed even since he left the liberal bubble of CNN.

He still can’t handle it.

This article appeared originally on The Western Journal.

The post Bill O’Reilly and Chris Cuomo Erupt in On-Air Shouting Match After O’Reilly Tells The Truth About Kamala Harris appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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