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Chick-fil-A is one of America’s favorite fast food chains, and it is also renowned as a Christian-owned establishment. But what fans just found on the company’s website has many shocked.

On Tuesday, many fans took to social media to post a section of the company’s website that reveals fast food giant Chick-fil-A’s “commitment” toward “embedding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion on everything we do.”


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Many were shocked that the purported Christian-led company was going all in for the woke, left-wing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion agenda, also known as “DEI.”

Chick-fil-A is infected with DEI and it will only be a matter of time before that place falls in every way possible.

— Brandon Morse (@TheBrandonMorse) May 30, 2023

Sadly, Chick-fil-A is embracing DEI and ESG after being co-opted by race & trans activists who have made it impossible for the organization to reflect the Christian values of its founder. Marxists won’t allow belief in Jesus Christ. h/t @lucasmiles

— @amuse (@amuse) May 30, 2023

Sad. I love me some Chick-fil-A. I won’t be boycotting, but I will find alternatives

— Capitalista (@almajessica1973) May 30, 2023

The screenshots are not fake news, either. A glance at the company’s website shows that Chick-fil-A even has an official DEI officer in Erick McReynolds, who is vice president of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion.

The website also features a message about Chick-fil-A’s DEI goals.

The segment is headlined, “When we’re Better at Together, we’re better together.”

“One of our core values at Chick-fil-A, Inc. is that we are better together. When we combine our unique backgrounds and experiences with a culture of belonging, we can discover new ways to strengthen the quality of care we deliver: to customers, to the communities we serve and to the world. We understand that getting Better at Together means we learn better, care better, grow better and serve better,” the statement said.

“Chick-fil-A, Inc.’s commitment to being Better at Together means embedding Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in everything we do,” the policy concluded.

Still, this DEI policy should not be very surprising. All of corporate America is going woke. Indeed, back in 2020, Chick-fil-A’s own CEO, Dan Cathy, was seen urging Christians to “repent” of their “racism,” radio host Todd Starnes reported at the time.

“We, as Caucasians, until we are willing to just pick up the baton and fight for our black African-American brothers and sisters which they are as one human race, we are shameful,” Cathy said.

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“Any expressions of a contrite heart, of a sense of humility, a sense of shame, a sense of embarrassment … an apologetic heart, I think that’s what our world needs to hear today,” he concluded.

This is far from the first time Chick-fil-A has angered Christian fans by dabbling in woke policies and statements.

The company also angered Christian fans when it bowed to the radical gay lobby and decided to cut off its donations to several Christian organizations that the LGBT lobby targeted for destruction.

Chick-fil-A had also donated to the Christian-hating Southern Poverty Law Center back in 2019, a group that has listed mainstream pro-life and Christian organizations as “hate groups.”

Still, even as some fans were outraged at the fast food giant’s DEI statements, others pointed out that every corporation does this garbage in a perfunctory way to get out of being attacked by the gay lobby. It’s all just legalese aimed at stopping lawsuits, they say.

My guess (hope) is their corporate debt has ESG-related covenants attached to it and they’re doing this to merely check the box.

— Bob Loblaw (@BobLoblaw555) May 30, 2023

Whatever the case, Chick-fil-A is one of the few corporations out there that can very quickly hurt its bottom line by going woke. Few fans will care if the company is just trying to “check a box” to avoid lawsuits. Going woke at all will make fans furious. But it remains to be seen if this latest bout with political correctness will redound negatively against the famously Christian-owned company that already has several recent strikes against it.

The post Fans Are Livid After Discovering Paragraph That Chick-fil-A Buried on Their Website appeared first on The Western Journal.

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